Page 333 of Still Here

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Jesska gave Austri the address of the Burgerville closest to her, and they loaded up on burgers, fries, and smoothies. It had been ages since Jesska had eaten so badly, but the lure of a Chocolate Monkey was too much to resist.

Arriving home, Jesska led Kaspar inside, flipping on the lights, toeing off her Jimmy Choos, and heading to the kitchen to open wine and put the roses in water. “I’m sorry I don’t have beer to offer. Probably better with burgers, but I rarely drink it.”

“Wine’s fine, sweetheart.” Kaspar said, and set the food on her dining table.

Jesska set glasses and the open bottle of red on the table. “I’m just going to get out of these clothes. I’ll be right back.”

At his nod, she dashed into her room and pulled on black yoga pants and a long-sleeved pink T-shirt, pulling her hair back into a loose bun on top of her head. She rejoined Kaspar and he smiled as he poured the wine.

“What?” she asked.

“You manage to go from sexy to sexier in a manner of seconds, sweetheart. I’m simply amazed.”

Jesska giggled. “And you’re obviously blind.”

He waved a finger over his eyes. “Perfect eyesight. Better than twenty-twenty.”

“Thank you.”

Before sitting, he leaned down and kissed her. “I have missed that.”

Jesska smiled. “I have too.”

“I’m sorry the week has gotten away from us. After tomorrow, I’m yours for the weekend.”

“Oh, Kaspar.” She let out a dramatic sigh. “That doesn’t work for me, I’m afraid.”

“It doesn’t?”

“No. I have plans.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” She grinned. “You see, there’s this man I met recently, and he’s extremely demanding of my time.”

“Is he? That’s all right, then.” Kaspar smiled. “You had me worried for a minute.”

“Just thought I’d keep you on your toes.” She bit into her burger.

Kaspar chuckled. “Baby, you do that without thought.”

Jesska chewed, choosing not to retort, although him calling her ‘baby’ made her shiver... in a very good way.

Once dinner was over, Jesska found herself sitting in the curve of Kaspar’s body on her sofa as they talked. He stayed later than he planned to, and she fell asleep on him, but he woke her with a sweet kiss and promised a weekend she would never forget.

Friday rolled around again, and Jesska and Kaspar were back on her porch after another fabulous and expensive dinner. She’d thought more than once in the last week that she could get used to his seemingly unending devotion and money.

“Do you want to come in?” she asked when Kaspar dropped her home and walked her to her door.

“Are you sure you’re up to another late night?”

She giggled. “It’s the weekend. I’ll crash on Sunday.”

“Then, yes, I’d love to come in.”

Jesska grinned as she unlocked and pushed the door open, leading him inside. “Wine?”

“I’d love some,” he said, and closed the door.
