Page 266 of Still Here

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His tensed muscles relaxed a bit from my words, but his arms still held me tight. “I love you.”

“I know,” I grinned, planting a kiss on his nose. “I love you too.”

“Babe, since you don’t want a big wedding and all the hassle… we could just get married here. In Vegas.”

“Sure, we could do it right now,” I replied, my words dripping from sarcasm, but the glimmer in Aiden’s eyes told me he was serious. “You don’t actually mean it…”

“When you propose to someone you are usually thousand percent sure you want to marry them as soon as possible. I don’t see why we should wait.”

I was speechless.

My mouth opened then closed several times, trying to come up with the perfect excuse of why we shouldn’t have done it.

“You know me for less than a year,” I settled on my easiest argument.

“From the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one,” he replied as he cupped my face. “You knew me before… I was never this serious about anything else, just soccer. And you, my love, are now the rightful owner of that number one spot in my heart.”

My already bursting heart couldn’t take more, and I felt tears pool in the corner of my eyes.

I was never the emotional type, but our breakup broke me in ways I didn’t think it was humanly possible. We barely dated for a couple of months, it shouldn’t have hurt the way it did especially when I helped him make the move to pro soccer. But there was no denying his words and my own feelings. Time didn’t matter, because when we were together we knew it was real.

“I just don’t want you to regret this.” The words were barely a whisper leaving my lips. “You are moving on to FC Barcelona, and yes, I’m coming with you, but… I don’t want to lock you down, if there’s a tiny bit of hesitation in you. I made a decision for myself to follow you. That doesn’t mean you have to prove to me you are serious… I just…”

“You’re scared,” he finished my sentence with a sweet smile, and he wrapped his strong arms around me pulling me to his chest. “I know I might sound crazy, but I’ve spent the first season of my pro career not knowing if you are watching my game, waiting for your text about it… I want to play every single game for the rest of my career knowing you are watching me. I want to have you by my side after every single game. I want to share my highs with you, because I know you will be there when the lows hit too. I’m in love with you, and it isn’t something that’s going away. Now, I might sound selfish, but I already had to let you go once. There’s nothing in this world that will make me let go of you once again. I learn from my mistakes. Now, if you are done convincing me to not marry you…”

I chuckled through the tears. “Fine, no more convincing you to not make a stupid mistake of rushing into a marriage.”

“Marriage is just a word. We will still be us, but you will be officially mine.”

“People our age post that on social media, not get married.”

“I would do that, but you just recently went back on social media and don’t want to ruin it for you.”

There it was. The fact that ever since he went pro his followers kept piling up. And since FC Barcelona signed him, he was blowing up even more.

He only had one picture of us on his profile from before, which his best friend Elliot took of us kissing in the stadium after his game. I was wearing his jersey and even on the shadowy silhouette picture you could see Aiden’s possessive grip. I loved that picture the most, and it was one of the rare tagged photos I liked to display on my profile.

Despite being private, I received a bunch of follower requests from football fans who were already obsessing over Aiden and I wasn’t kidding myself. I knew it was going to get more intense. Most people embraced it, used their platform to become influencers, share their life and start a business.

But I wasn’t most people, and the biggest downside to Aiden was his newfound fame.

“You know what they say,” Aiden muttered in my hair. “You attract what you fear.”

I rolled my eyes, which he couldn’t see, before I lifted my head and kissed him. “Promise, I’ll try and be okay with the whole spotlight thing. I just want to protect Sky.”

“Sooner or later… Sky is going to go pro too. He will find out the truth about his father and you and I will do everything in my power to not let that blow up in our faces. I know you guys are a package deal, and I would take him in a heartbeat. But let him play for the LA Galaxy and be as much of a kid as he can. If he still wants it, when he gets older, he can come train in Barcelona. I want you both.”

“Thank you,” I whispered quietly.

“I mean, I want my own family, but… not sure I want a crying baby anytime soon. Maybe when I retire.”

“That sounds like a timeline where I can see myself potentially wanting to be pregnant again.”

Ever since my very early, unplanned teenage pregnancy, where my ex-boyfriend went radio silent on me and never contacted me again, being pregnant was my biggest fear. For some women it’s the most magical time of their life. For me, it took away everything I ever wanted from me. But when Sky was born all my hatred that I accumulated in those nine months disappeared. My parents agreed to raise him as their son, allowing me to finish high school and go to university. But I knew there was going to be a time, I will tell him the truth. And some days, I already wanted him to call me ‘mom’.

“So, it's set,” Aiden grinned, pulling me higher on his body, until I straddled him. My legs fell on his sides and his hands ran through my smooth skin greedily. With every stroke, he grew harder under me. “You will marry me.”

“Yes, I will,” I said against his lips, before I kissed him.
