Page 247 of Still Here

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Noah groaned, flopping back onto the pillows. “Dammit, and here I was hoping we could chuck a sickie and spend the day together here in bed. Oh well, better get up then.” Noah swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, his pyjama pants riding low on his hips, giving Allee a tantalising glimpse of his 'treasure trail’. He walked over, putting his index finger under her chin and pressing upwards to close her open mouth before brushing a soft kiss over her lips. “You were drooling, sweetheart, and we both need to get ready for work.”

Allee swatted Noah's firm backside as he sauntered past, smiling ruefully to herself.

As Noah followed Allee into the office, he couldn't help but admire her as she unconsciously sashayed before him, her hips swinging gently with each step. Her hair was loosely pinned up on top of her head, with tendrils wisping down around her face and neck. She had the whole business chic look down to a tee; white fitted cigarette pants with a matching white waist-length jacket over a black Guardians III fitted t-shirt, sandals, and chunky black and silver jewellery completed the look. Noah struggled to keep his body under control. His jeans confined his erection uncomfortably, but at least his black polo shirt hid his straining bulge.

Although Noah had been through pre-release launches before, he couldn't help being nervous and excited on Allee's behalf for this one. She had worked so hard to pull it all off without a hitch, and the events of the last couple of weeks, and Stuart's harassment, had done nothing to ease her stress levels.

Although it was only eight in the morning, most of the team had already arrived to make last-minute adjustments. The caterers were due at eleven, and the journalists and influencers from half eleven.

As Allee handed Noah a coffee, Sammy greeted them both with a semi-relieved smile.

"So far, the forums are looking good,” said Sammy, greeting them both. “Nothing new to report, everyone seems to be keyed up about the pre-release, and we've even seen talk about the VIP influencers. You've done really well Allee, if it keeps up like this, l think it'll be the best launch and release we'll have seen yet!”

Noah could feel the waves of relief pouring from Allee, her posture relaxing slightly as if she'd been bracing herself for more vitriol. Although Noah knew that Allee never wanted him to cross paths with the arsehole, he knew that if he, Darryl, or Andre met him face-to-face, Stuart would not be left standing. He gently kissed Allee on the forehead before smiling gently at her and turned back towards his desk.

Allee huffed a sigh of relief as she ushered the last of the influencers from the office. Gareth was whispering with Craig, and she could see most of the staff packing their desks in preparation for the massive LAN party they had organised for the following evening. Allee knew from comments today that all the influencers would be heading back to the office after the party tomorrow to participate in a pre-release game alongside the staff and select Beta testers. She could see Darryl and Michael moving the demo machines into the main office, as they would be used tomorrow night. As she reopened the door for the catering staff to leave, Allee managed to catch Gareth’s eye, and he beamed at her across the room. Clapping a hand to Craig's shoulder, he nodded his goodbye and strode over to where she stood.

“My dear, you've done yourself proud today!” Gareth said with a smile. “I couldn't help but take note of how impressed everyone was with the presentation, the catering, and their goodie-bags! Your hard work has paid off, and I'm sure that after tomorrow, we'll have glowing reports and reviews coming out of our ears!”

“Gareth, I had very little to do with it,” replied Allee, “It was due to the amazing work that this team has put into this game and your linguistic wizardry that has swayed any positive opinions. I simply helped get the office ready.”

“Nonsense! Anyone can hold a pre-release media launch, and I've attended enough over the years to tell which ones will flop, and which ones will rocket. Most of these productions only shine the spotlight on the company big-wigs. They ignore the people on the ground.” Gareth paused and pinned Allee with his direct gaze, his voice softening. “Showcasing the team behind the game, as well as the game itself, is not commonly done. You've unveiled how much passion, heartache, and joy was poured into creating a game where players can escape, be challenged, interact with others, and be a part of something much larger than themselves. Black Bugs have a solid following, and you've not only reminded that following that those behind their favourite game are human, but also that they take pride in their work.”

Allee ducked her head, blushing, embarrassed over the praise she felt undue. Gareth seemed to sense her feelings as he gently patted her on the shoulder, murmuring, “I just feel that you should be proud of yourself, Allee, because I know I am,” before strolling away.

Stuart sat in his hiding place, watching Allee's town house as she and one of the long-haired hippies from her work returned. He'd only seen this one staying the previous night, although he'd also noticed him from his car when watching Allee's workplace.

Stuart narrowed his eyes as he observed them through the glass sliding doors, rage growing as the man held his fiancée, hands roaming her body, his lips on hers. How dare that uncouth slob touch what belonged to Stuart! How dare Allee allow him to paw at her like some depraved and horny teen when she should be grovelling for forgiveness at his own feet. Stuart needed to find out more about this interloper and make sure that he was put firmly back in his place; it made little difference if that happened to end up being inside a hospital or a casket.

Allee roused from her deep slumber, wondering what it was that had awoken her. A bleary-eyed glance at her mobile phone told her that her alarm was not due to go off for another forty minutes, yet she had no desire to return to sleep. She lazily moved in her bed, feeling the warmth from Noah's body radiating outwards and kissing her own skin. She stretched, her body pressing into his, the curve of her bottom lightly pushing back into the hardness of Noah's groin. She both felt and heard the rumbling from his chest, and she looked up to see his beautiful grey eyes watching her, passion stirring in their depths.

“Are you trying to tease me, little minx?”

Allee smiled seductively, rolling her body to nestle into his side, her fingers lightly tracing over his pectoral muscles and down his abdomen.

“Who said anything about trying?” she laughed as his body clenched, his boxers tenting in reaction to her touch. Noah reached over to grab at her hand, but Allee pulled away. “Ah ah ah, no, you don't! I'm running this show today, mister!”

Allee pushed Noah's arms back into the pillow, raising her body up and over his, her legs straddling his hips. Noah's breath caught as her camisole-clad breasts hovered over his face, just out of reach of his lips. Allee looked down at him, a wicked grin flitting across her face, as she held his arms down and brushed her breasts lightly across his mouth. Noah groaned, trying to latch on to the fleshy globes but managing to do little more than grasp the camisole with his teeth.

“Allee!” he growled in frustration, groaning as she sat up, her warm centre sitting damply on top of his stomach.

She smirked down at him before slowly peeling her camisole up and over her head, putting her full breasts on display just for him. Noah reached up from his pillow, his hands cupping her in near reverence, his thumbs brushing back and forth across her beaded nipples, causing shivers to race across Allee's skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

Allee leaned down again, pressing hot, open kisses over Noah's lips, jaw, and neck. She made her way slowly down his throat, flicking her tongue across his Adam's apple before continuing down his chest. She spared each of the flat discs of flesh a biting kiss, laving the sting with her tongue, before continuing down to his navel, her tongue dipping in lightly and swirling around the edge. Noah’s fingers gently speared through her hair, cradling her head in his hands, and she continued moving down to the waistband of his boxers, his erection straining the material, lifting it away from his skin. She swiped her tongue beneath the fabric, forcing a strained moan from Noah before moving lower, pulling them down his hips. His cock sprang free, and before he could even utter a single word, her mouth enveloped him, her tongue gently flicking at the tip before she began to move.

Noah arched his hips towards Allee, and seemed to be fighting the instinct to thrust. His fingers gripped tighter in her hair, angling her so he could push in deeper without triggering her gag reflex. Allee swallowed around him, making his entire body tighten with pleasure.

“Allee... baby... oh God, your mouth... yes, just like that!”

Allee continued to suck and swallow around him, her tongue pressing up against the underside of his cock as she moved, finding herself enjoying the involuntary noises and movements that she was dragging from him. Suddenly, his fingers gripped tight, pulling her head up and away from him, urging her up to his mouth. He devoured her, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, his lips sucking at hers, teeth grazing over her lower lip. His hands fumbled down, pushing his boxers lower, before pulling her underwear to one side as he drove up into her. Allee arched back, a high-pitched whine erupting from her throat as she clenched around him, feeling him stroking deep inside her. Noah gripped her hips in his hands, rocking her back and forth, before lifting her slightly and began thrusting upwards, each time hitting her clit just right, stroking against that perfect spot inside her, making her body clench and tremble as she closed in on her orgasm.

As the waves of sensation flooded through her body, her muscles seized, clamping down hard on Noah’s cock, tearing his own climax out of him with a muffled shout. Allee collapsed against him, her body trembling with aftershocks, her pussy quivering and gripping around him as she came back down from her release, both of their chests heaving, breathing ragged.

Noah broke the silence first, his hands gently tracing up and down along Allee’s spine.

“Sweetheart, what do you think about moving in with me? I know we could wait until this is all over, but who knows how long that will take?”

Allee lifted her head, looking into Noah’s eyes, blinking at him as she thought over his suggestion.
