Page 171 of Still Here

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He sighed. "Look, you're a good girl, but this—"

My heart seized. With a casualness born from desperation, I brushed at the dirt on the skirt of my dress.

"You don't have to say anything," I told him, proud of the lightness in my tone. "I know this was a one-time thing. We're not lovers, Pope. We're not even friends." I forced myself to look up, meeting his gaze. "This was a mutual moment of release amongst the grief."

I straightened, lifting one shoulder in a half shrug. "Thanks for the orgasm, but I better get back."

I made to brush by him intent on a quick escape, only for his hand to curl around my wrist, halting my movement.

"Jules, wait." His tone, though direct, was a plea disguised as a command.

I looked into his blue eyes, seeing something dark and desperate swirling in their depths.

"The club is gonna wait this out at Adaminaby. Come with me."

My breath caught, my stomach clenching. "I'm not part of your club."

"Jen would want you there."

"But do you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He hesitated, and in the heartbeat it took for him to react, I had my answer.

With a strength I didn't know I had, I withdrew my hand from his.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm good." I patted him on the chest, fighting against the tears that threatened to betray me. "I'll catch you later."

"Jules, wait."

I ignored him, crashing through the grass and weeds, heading for the gap in the fence.

"Jules. Jules!"

He seized me, spinning me around until my back pressed against the fence, his fingers tangling in my hair.

"I never promised you forever," he growled, crowding into my space.

Heat crashed between us. Defiant and proud, I refused to look away first.

"I never asked for it," I told him, my voice like ice.

His thumb pressed against the wildly beating pulse point on my neck. "You scared of me?"

Slowly I shook my head. His hand shifted, wrapping around my throat.

"What about now?" he asked, his breath hot against my cheeks.

"Should I be?"

He ran his free hand down my side to the skirts of my dress, slipping a hand under.

"Perhaps," he murmured, his fingers stroking up my outer thigh. "Depends on the mood I'm in."

Boldly, I widened my stance, allowing him greater access to my body.

Gazes locked in a silent battle, we both stilled when his fingers found the evidence of his release soaking my inner thighs.

"You like this?" he asked, running fingers through his spend. "You like me marking you?"
