Page 85 of The Deadliest Game

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My eyes grew wide just as a sound came from behind me.



Isaw a figure, the silhouette of a man, but I couldn't make out his features. The sudden movement wafted the scent of my sweat-crusted skin to my nose, and I winced.


“No. I’m not here to hurt you," a familiar voice whispered behind me, making me jump.

"Shit." So much time was spent training, only to be frightened by a whisper.

With renewed clarity, I recognized Santiago Jimenéz Flores standing there, his tall frame blending into the shadows with his brown hair catching the moonlight. His light brown eyes held a mix of concern and determination.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, not hiding my surprise.

Santiago hesitated, keeping his distance. “We both need to win,” he whispered. "You know why."

I stared at him for a moment, trying to figure him out.

"I don't understand what you have with Magdalena," I told him cautiously. "Going ahead of everyone is dangerous. There's no guarantee this will benefit the way you're hoping for."

He nodded solemnly. "I know. But if we work together, we have a better chance than alone. Please, let me come.”

I hesitated. He and I weren't close friends, but we shared something meaningful.

"You can tag along on this very idiotic move if you promise me one thing," I said, my voice barely more than a whisper. "If something happens to me up there, you'll ensure Magda is safe."

Santiago's eyes locked onto mine. "I promise,” he vowed with such conviction that I couldn't help but believe him.

"All right," I agreed hesitantly, knowing I was placing my life in his hands. "Then we'll do something idiotic together."

As we continued onward, the terrain grew rougher, and a knot of anxiety twisted in my stomach. But with Santiago beside me, the weight of my fears somehow felt a little lighter. He felt safer than Isaac.

We moved through the dense underbrush, our footsteps muffled by the moss-covered ground. My heart raced with anticipation and dread, but I focused on moving past the endless terrain.

The journey to the bottom of La Dama took us about four hours, and I spent most of the time stumbling over gnarled roots and uneven ground in the dark. All around me, the air was thick with a primal energy that weighed on my chest, making me feel as if I were breathing underwater. A sense of magic seemed to vibrate through the very earth beneath us. I could feel minuscule tremors in my hands and feet.

"That was much faster than I thought," Santiago said, his breath coming in short pants.

"Agreed," I replied, trying to steady my voice. My heart hammered in my ears, and the sky grew lighter. Soon everyone would be awake.

Isaac would be awake and see that I had left.

He would be angry, but I couldn't let my fear control me, not when so much hung in the balance.

The closer we got, the more clearly I could see the rainbow of natural colors painting the layers of rock that made up the cliffs I'd spent months training to climb.

Brilliant colors in the orange light nearly took my breath away. The sheer size of it was daunting, if not downright terrifying, but I knew I had no choice but to face it head-on.

"San Volcán," I whispered, unable to tear my eyes from the imposing expanse. "It's even bigger than I imagined."

Santiago sighed, his gaze tracing the steep incline before us. "Damnit. I hate heights."

There was something about that which made me laugh. I turned to him. "Are you serious? Haven't you been bred for this tournament? Raised up with the help and money of your parents to gain a lifetime of glory in one short week?"

Santiago smirked. "How does having most of your future hinge on rocks feel?"

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