Page 33 of Mangled

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He grinned back. “I get to work remote until I finish moving, so you’ll still see me at the park on Saturdays for a couple more weeks.” He laughed. “I don’t suppose you know anyone who wants to sublet my place?”

“Not off the top of my head, but I’ll ask around.” I sat in shock for a moment. Steve and I had started at CodeCraft at the same time, and now he was moving on. “Tell me about the new job.”

His eyes lit up. “I haven’t been this excited in a long time, Ben. This startup is hot right now, pioneering virtual and augmented reality software. They are pushing the boundaries of immersive extended reality technology, with the goal of their applications being used on all kinds of platforms, like gaming, retail, healthcare and more.” Steve paused, then added, “They’re looking for lots of top-tier engineers. A lot more exciting than creating boring, generic interfaces for these oil companies.” He held my gaze intently. “Tell me when you’re ready and I’ll talk to the hiring managers, and put in a good word for you. You’d be a perfect fit.”

Virtual reality. My eyes widened. Who didn’t want to be programing in that field right now? But I waved it off with a laugh. “I don’t know, man. I’m not sure I’m ready to leave Austin.”

“Alright,” Steve said, his eyes narrowing as if analyzing my mental algorithms. “But think about the possibilities, the bleeding-edge tech you could work on. Plus, the company culture is amazing; it’ll be like a breath of fresh air compared to this place.”

A spark of curiosity blossomed at the idea of working on such cutting-edge projects, the potential to transform lives with my code. Was it such a strange idea, finding a more exciting job? CodeCraft had been good to me, but I had always looked at it as a first step to something better. And it wasn’t like there was anything keeping me here in Austin—


Just as I was about to ask for more details, I remembered that Leo and I were a thing now. A new thing, just starting out, but could I entertain the possibility of leaving Austin just as Leo and I had found each other? Was that fair to our relationship?

Yet—hadn’t I spend the last few years working my ass off to move up in my career? What was that for if I was going to let a relationship—with Leo or anyone—sideline me, keep me out of the game?

So many thoughts, and all of them theoretical. Nothing to worry Leo about, not yet. “Good luck out there.” Then, “And let me know if you see anything that would be a good fit for me.”

“Will do.” Steve tossed the crumpled wrapper into the trash can in a perfect arc. He wiped his hands on his jeans and slung his backpack over one shoulder as he stood up. “Anyway, I gotta run. Catch you later!”

“Yeah. And see you Saturday,” I called after him, giving Steve a friendly wave as he exited the lounge.

As Steve headed out, I sank back into my chair, pondering the myriad of thoughts flitting through my head. Why was I still here at CodeCraft? According to my internal timeline, I should look to step up soon.

But as my mind painted a vivid picture of professional success and excitement, it was quickly overshadowed by the image of Leo’s warm smile, his warm brown eyes that seemed to hold a world of understanding, those big hands that already knew my body so well. In those moments we spent together, we had a connection unlike anything I’d experienced before—something I wasn’t sure I could find anywhere else.

Was that enough to keep me here in Austin?

Later that night, I sat on my couch, mindlessly flipping through YouTube videos, looking for a distraction from the unsettled thoughts buzzing in the back of my head. Just then, my phone rang, and my heart skipped a beat as I saw Leo’s name appear on the screen. I took a deep breath before answering, trying to sound casual. “Hey, babe. What’s up?”

“Not much. Miss you.”

A pang of guilt shot through me. It was Thursday, and we’d only spoken twice since the past weekend when we’d slept together for the first time. Was I already slipping into my old habits? “Sorry, babe. It’s been a busy week.”

“I know, and I get it. But that’s not why I’m calling.” Leo cleared his throat. “I know it’s short notice, but I was wondering if you’d like to spend the weekend with me at a luxury spa in Brenham.” Leo couldn’t contain the excitement in his voice, and it made my heart swell. “I had originally booked it as a gift for Leigh, and I’d completely forgotten about it until they sent me a reminder email today. It’s already pre-paid and non-refundable, so I thought—why not use it?” Leo’s infectious enthusiasm bubbled up from across the phone line. “What do you say? Wanna go?”

I hesitated, my mind racing. Maybe some time alone together, away from our usual routines, would help clarify things. The camping trip had been a blessing, giving us time to just be Ben and Leo, and yet also to be something more.

Yes. Yes, I wanted to go. “Sounds great, Leo,” I replied with genuine excitement. “I’d love to join you.”

“Awesome!” Leo’s voice boomed over the phone, relief clear in his tone. “I can’t wait to see you.”

That admission warmed my heart. “I’ve missed you too.”

“Can’t wait to be with you again.” Leo’s voice had dropped to a near whisper, and something inside me shifted, settling into place.

“Same here, babe,” I murmured, my cock twitching at the thought of sinking into his tight heat. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Ben.”



I pulled up in my truck outside of Ben’s house late Saturday morning. Giving two short, playful honks of the horn, I watched with anticipation as the front door swung open. Ben bounded out, his backpack slung over one shoulder, his blond hair shining golden in the sun.

The sight of my handsome lover brought a smile to my lips. I rolled the driver’s side window down. “Hey hot stuff. Need a lift?”

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