Page 28 of Mangled

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“So, this is new,” Leo mused. His fingers combed through my hair, nails scraping gently over my scalp. I hummed, tilting my head to give him better access.

“What, waking up in the bed of a handsome man?” I teased. Leo snorted, tugging on my hair in retaliation.

“Smartass. I just meant being with a guy.” Leo shrugged, a self-deprecating smile tugging at his lips. “Guess I just couldn’t resist your charms.”

“Well, I’m honored to be your first.” I leaned up to brush my lips over his. “For the record, you were amazing, and I’m willing to go over questions you have about gay sex or fucking a guy.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “In case you’re looking for a teacher.”

“Please do.” Leo’s eyes darkened, pupils dilating with renewed desire. “I’m a fast learner.”

Heat coiled low in my belly at his words. I slid my hands down to grip Leo’s ass, grinding our hips together with a growl. “Is that so? Well then, round two it is.”

Leo surged up to capture my mouth in a searing kiss, and I lost myself in the taste and feel of him once more.



I tumbled through the doorway of my house after spending the morning with Ben, feeling a mix of exhaustion and excitement. I had left most of my camping gear at Ben’s place, but I still had my muddy backpack and damp pillow in hand.

Maya peered up from the couch, her phone slipping from her fingers. “There you are! I saw the weather forecast and was worried about you guys. Did you get caught in the rain?” she asked with curiosity.

I tossed my backpack and pillow onto the floor of the living room and collapsed onto the armchair, the worn-out furniture creaking beneath me. “Yeah, we got caught in a crazy storm,” I replied, unable to stop the grin from spreading across my face. “It rolled in so fast that we couldn’t pack up in time. Everything got soaked, and we ended up stuck in Ben’s SUV for hours.”

Maya waggled her eyebrows suggestively. “That sounds romantic! Spill the tea—did you guys get cozy?”

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I thought about the intimate moments from our camping trip: the tangled limbs, the whispered laughter in the dark, the warmth of Ben’s embrace—not to mention what happened in his bedroom earlier that morning. I cleared my throat, slightly embarrassed. “We had a good time.”

Maya squeaked in delight. “I knew it! Tell me everything.”

I waved her off, chuckling. “Not a chance. A gentleman never kisses and tells.”

Her smile fell a little. “Leo.”

I laughed and reached for her hand. “It’s official. I’m a bottom.”

Maya squealed again, her eyes gleaming with delight. “Ahh, this is so satisfying. Not gonna lie, but I’m really invested now in this new relationship of yours. Was it good? Did it feel really different?”

“Yeah, it was good. A real learning experience,” I said, laughing. It was hard not to grin, not after leaving Ben’s house with a twinkle in my eye and an ache in my backside. “Both times.”

“Both times!” Maya mouthed silently before bursting into giggles. “When are you seeing him next?”

I shrugged, some of that joy diminishing. “Not sure. He’s busy with work, getting ready for a big meeting later this week, so we’ll see what happens.” I was going into this relationship knowing that this killed Ben’s past relationships—that sudden drop in communications, the feeling of coming in second to Ben’s job.

But I had known this going in, and I wasn’t going to let that fuck up what we had.

Glancing down at my phone, I saw it was already a quarter after two. That meant I had enough time for another quick shower and a nap before heading down to Elgin to see my family for Alex’s birthday dinner. I stood up and informed Maya of my plans. “Better get going. Seeing the family today,” I said, standing with a grunt.

“Tell everyone that I said hey.” Maya stretched her arms overhead and gave me a fond look. “You deserve this, you know. To find someone who makes you light up like that.”

I leaned down and dropped a quick kiss on her forehead as I made my way to my bedroom. “Thanks. I’ll be back later tonight, okay?”

“Will do, sweetheart.” As I headed into my room, everything that happened in the past twenty-four hours hit me—I had a boyfriend. Ben and I were lovers. Not just lovers, either.

In a relationship.

Wow. As grateful as I was to have Maya to talk to, with her generous spirit, I needed some time to process everything that had happened.

After a shower and a much-needed nap, I headed down to Elgin to see my family. As I pulled up to the house, parking behind my dad’s beat-up pickup truck, a wave of nostalgia washed over me. This place held so many memories, both good and bad, but ultimately, it was where I had grown up with the love and support of my family.

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