Page 24 of Mangled

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“I know.” Leo’s rough finger traced along my jawline. “I just want so much.”

“Leo.” I closed my eyes at that soft touch. “We don’t have to rush anything.”

Then Leo leaned in, capturing my lips in a slow, exploratory kiss. The tent seemed to shrink around us, the atmosphere thick with unspoken promises and shared desires. My heart hammered in my chest, my body responding to the warmth of Leo’s touch as one kiss became two, and then another, slow and gentle and achingly sweet.

The sound of raindrops pattering against the tent fabric interrupted our moment. Leo pulled back, his eyes wide with a mix of surprise and amusement. “I’ll be damned. I’m pretty sure someone promised me the rain was heading the other way,” he murmured, his voice laced with gentle teasing.

I saw that familiar playful glint in Leo’s eyes. “I’m not a fucking weatherman, Leo,” I replied jokingly, found his mouth again for another kiss as the rain continued to fall harder outside.

But our laughter soon turned into urgency as we realized that the tent was leaking. Water droplets splattered onto our belongings, and we hurriedly gathered everything before it got drenched. A loud boom of thunder, way too close for comfort, startled us, prompting us to move even faster. We hastily grabbed phones, pillows, and other essentials as we dashed for my SUV, parked just a few yards away.

As we tumbled into the car, our clothes damp and clinging to our bodies, we found ourselves panting and laughing, the earlier tension replaced by the adrenaline-fueled thrill of our escape.

The rain continued its relentless assault on the roof of the car, transforming the world around us into a blurry dreamscape. Through the hazy windshield, I could barely make out the outline of our abandoned tent, now a sad, soggy mess in the pouring rain.

Leaning over, I pressed another kiss to Leo’s rain-slicked lips. “Waterproof tent, huh?” I chuckled, wiping my face with the back of my hand, attempting to dry off some of the water.

“Fuck you,” Leo replied, laughing, then without another word, he leaned forward, capturing my lips again in a kiss. This time, it was different, deeper and more insistent than before. It tasted of rain and adventure, of the wild exhilaration that comes from embracing the chaos of a storm hand in hand with someone you love.

As our bodies pressed closer together, the confined space of the SUV amplified the heat that radiated between us. The outside world, with its torrential rain and muddy chaos, faded away, leaving only the two of us, entwined in a passionate embrace, exploring the newfound depths of our connection.

“Come on,” Leo murmured against my lips before darting towards the backseat, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

I didn’t hesitate, following him and squeezing into the rear of the vehicle. Everything we’d brought with us was currently outside, getting rained on, so the entire back of the SUV was empty, creating enough space for us to mostly stretch out despite the rain that continued to fall onto the roof.

Our lips met again, hungry and passionate, as our hands roamed each other’s bodies. “I need you,” Leo groaned as he pressed his lips harder against mine.

I kicked off my shoes, the rain-soaked fabric of my clothes sticking to my skin. My fingers tangled in Leo’s damp hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

The storm raged on outside, but inside the car, we found solace in each other.

As our bodies pressed against one another, the intensity of our desire grew. The sound of the rain provided a rhythmic backdrop to our movements, drowning out the world outside and leaving only the two of us in this moment.



The heavens had opened, and a relentless downpour drummed against the roof of Ben’s car, a rhythmic backdrop to what was happening inside. My heart raced as we clumsily discarded our clothing, piece by piece, until we were mostly naked.

I’d seen Ben’s cock before; we’d been friends for years. But never like this, hard and red, jutting out of his briefs.

Ben’s fingers traced a path down my chest, his touch as light as a feather dancing against my dark chest hair. I gasped—I couldn’t help it—and my hands instinctively clutched Ben’s shoulders, my body arching into the touch.

I’d thought I would feel self-conscious shirtless—and now pantless—in front of Ben, but quite the opposite. His tender touches, first his fingers, followed by his lips, left me intoxicated, wanting more.

My mouth found the tender skin of Ben’s throat, my tongue tasting the saltiness of his sweat and the scent of the campfire. The soft moan that vibrated against my lips sent a jolt of arousal through me, and my cock pressed insistently against Ben’s thigh.

Ben’s hand slinked down my body, exploring every aroused inch of me. His fingers found my stiff shaft and grasped it possessively, stroking my dick with long pulls. Fuck, he was good at this, I thought to myself, and my hips undulated as I thrust up and into his hand, rumbling throaty moans into his neck.

My hand roamed down and grabbed Ben’s hard flesh, stroking it roughly, watching his face for reactions. Our bodies moved together in the back of the SUV, the car rocking slightly with the intensity of our movements. Our breaths were ragged, punctuated with soft moans and gasps, and the world beyond the fogged-up windows ceased to exist as we lost ourselves in each other.

The storm outside seemed to mimic the one that we unleashed inside the car as Ben and I built up towards our climax, our bodies tensed and tight like a bowstring ready to snap. “Let go, baby,” Ben whispered into my ear, his breath hot on my neck. “I’m here with you.”

Let go, baby. My orgasm hit hard at those soft words, spurting thick, white strands all over Ben’s hand. Ben tumbled right afterward, and I tried to memorize the sounds of him coming.

We clung to each other as we rode through wave after wave of blissful euphoria, foreheads touching as we breathed the same air.

The storm subsided as we lay together, our breaths slowed, and our bodies entwined, spent and sated. I pulled Ben closer, if that was possible, and we lay in the darkened backseat of the SUV, holding each other tight. In the quiet interior of the car, the world outside felt miles away. The patter of the rain on the roof and our steady breaths were the only sounds.

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