Page 16 of Mangled

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Thirty minutes later, I sat on the floor, my eyes glued to the new pipe fitting that I had installed while Maya spread towels around the kitchen to gather the last remaining spots of water. “I think it’s okay now.”

“Should we call a plumber just to be sure?” Maya asked, her eyes darting between the pipe and my face.

I took a deep breath, the afternoon’s stress slipping off me. “If it’s leaking tomorrow, then yeah, probably. Or I’ll see if my dad can come down and look at it.” Glancing at my phone, I frowned at the time.

Me: Might have to skip dinner and meet you at the movie theater, unless you want to just reschedule.

I attached a picture of the chaos in the kitchen, showcasing my handiwork.

Ben replied quickly.

Ben: No worries. I’ll just order the large popcorn and maybe some nachos.

Ben: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah, just frustrated

Me: I’ll see you soon

Maya tapped me on the shoulder as she approached with arms full of wet towels. “Go get ready.”

I shook my head, wanting to help clean up the wreckage I’d left in the kitchen. “Let me—”

“Leo—Go. Get. Ready.” Maya nudged me with her shoulder, her tone leaving no room for argument. “I want to hear all about this date tomorrow, and I can’t, unless you get your ass in gear.” Her face softened, and she added with a smile, “Now go and have a great time. I’ll handle the clean-up here.”

I bent my head, dropping a little kiss on the top of her hair. “Thanks, Maya. You’re a lifesaver.”

She gave me a knowing smile. “You owe me all the details about your date with Ben tonight. Now go get ready!”

I rushed upstairs and shed my soaked clothes, stepping into a steaming shower. The hot water felt good, calming my racing thoughts and helping me unwind after all the shit that stupid pipe put me through.

As the water cascaded down my body, a whirlwind of emotions flew through me. This wasn’t just any first date.

It was my first date with Ben.

I toweled off and stood in front of my messy closet, pondering what to wear. Something comfortable to keep this natural, normal—familiar enough to help ease my nerves.

Movie theater setting, so not too formal or fancy.

Settling on an oversized flannel layered over my favorite Captain America shirt, I completed the ensemble with a pair of nice jeans. Taking a last glance in the mirror, I nodded approvingly. It was a casual but put-together look, exactly what I was going for.

I parked my car and stepped out into the humid evening air. I shot a quick text message to Ben as I walked towards the theater.

Me: Just got here.

Ben: At the bar.

The Drafthouse was one of my favorite theaters to watch a movie. Along with a full snack menu, they had a well-stocked bar where you could wait before the show started. Tonight, the trendy spot buzzed with people, laughter, and excited chatter for the opening night of the latest blockbuster film series.

My heart pounded in anticipation as my eyes scanned the crowd for a glimpse of Ben. And there he was—leaning against the bar, looking handsome in a crisp blue shirt and khaki pants. I approached, suddenly wishing I’d put on something classier than my Captain America t-shirt and a flannel shirt on top.

“Hi,” I said, a hint of nervousness in my voice.

Ben turned and smiled widely. “Hi, Leo.” He reached over and gave me a hug, and the scent of his cologne filled my nostrils. “Glad you could make it. How’s the kitchen looking?” he asked, his eyes dancing with mirth.

“Better,” I replied with a deep sigh. “I was today years old when I learned I don’t have the patience or dexterity to be a plumber.” I held up my hands. “Too clumsy.”

Ben’s eyes scanned my hands, and a flush creeped up my neck. How could a simple look like that make my stomach flutter? I shook my head, trying to push away those thoughts. “New shirt?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

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