Page 71 of Kenji

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They stood thereglaring at each other. He was the one to back down. “Look, youdon’t have to work- “

“I don’thave to work now. I do it because it gives me a sense of satisfactionand independence.”

“I won’thave you working the long hours you’ve been putting in. I’mfirm on that.”

“I’ll cutdown my hours.”

“Two days aweek.”

“Fourdays.” Their gaze clashed again.

“Three days-“He held up a hand as she opened her mouth. He finally touched her,cupping her face between his hands. “I love you.” He toldher hoarsely. “So much I find it difficult to explain to youjust how much.

You and this baby aremy family and I’m fierce about protecting my own. I lost myparents and uncle to violence and I thought that was the ultimate inpain when it happened. I wouldn’t be able to come back if Ilost you. Is that clear?”

From the verybeginning, their encounter had been fraught with explosive emotions.They’d taken an instant dislike to each other which had been asymptom for the attraction between them. When he touched her itturned into something much more for her. Her hands reached up toclose around his wrists.

“It’s toomuch.” She whispered.

“You’retelling me.” A smile crossed his lips. “You thought I wasplanning on taking off again?”

“The thoughtcrossed my mind. I was coming to find you.”

“Were you?”His eyes went to the bruise at her neck. “I was violent and outof control.”

“So was I.”She stepped closer to him.


“Then youshould get out those clothes.”

“If I do that,we’re going to start all over again.”

“I want us to.What was in that oil?”

He helped her takehis sweater off. “Something I picked up in Tibet.”

He dropped thesweater on the floor and worked his way out of his jeans afterkicking off his boots. Her hands wandered over his muscled chest. Hewinced at she stroked the marks she’d given him.

“We should putsomething on that.”

“Not now.”He removed her robe and eased her back on the bed before climbing innext to her. “I had to reason out what I was feeling.” Hebrushed back her hair. “You didn’t accept my proposal.”

“Was that aproposal?” Her tapered brows lifted. “You came in hereand started making demands over my life.”

“Your lifebelongs to me now and mine belongs to you.” He kissed hercheek, and moved down to the sides of her lips. “What you do isgoing to affect me and vice versa.”

“I want towork.”

“For mycousin.”

“Does itmatter?” She whispered, fingers brushing over his face. Shemarveled she was able to touch him like this. First, he’dgotten under her skin with his arrogance and then he’d stormedinto her life awaking her to a passion that she never dreamedexisted.

“I could buyyou several restaurants.” He was nibbling at her bottom lip andsending a fireball in the pit of her stomach.

She laughed shakily,her fingers digging into his hair. “No.”

“Or anythingelse you want.” He climbed on top of her. “I hate theidea of you working.”

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