Page 49 of Kenji

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“Do that.”Kenji had a determined look on his face. “Whether she likes itor not, I’m going to see her and get her to listen to me.”

“What are yourintentions?”

His cousin stared athim and then laughed harshly. “What the hell are you? Herdad?”

“She’ssomeone I happen to like and respect, and I feel responsible- “

“Why? BecauseI’m related to you?” Kenji scoffed. “I’m anadult and responsible for my own actions.”

“What you didwas despicable. You used her.” Kane’s eyes flashed fire.

“We were bothlooking for gratification, and we found it.” He shouted.“Look,” he took a breath.

“I’m notproud of myself, but I had to get away, or I felt like I was about toexplode. I didn’t need the complication of a relationship. Iwent with my heart and not my head, and afterward, I couldn’tdeal with it.”

He tossed back therest of the drink and slammed the glass down on the glossy sidetable. “I never meant to hurt her, and I know it’s goingto take some time for her to trust me, but I’m willing to wait.You asked me about my intentions, and I don’t know what to tellyou. I have feelings for her.

I haven’t beenable to stop thinking about her, wanting her-“ He broke off andclosed his eyes. “I don’t know what the hell I’mgoing to do, but I know that I’d like to be with her. I’vemissed out on three damn months, and I want to make up for it. Isthat good enough?”

Kane inclined hishead, hiding the smile. “I’m not the one you need toconvince.”

“I know.”Propping his elbows on his thighs, he scrubbed his hands over hisface. “I don’t know how I’m going to approach heryet.”

Chapter 11

"I appreciatethe visit." Chantelle fussed at the pillows behind her head."You didn’t have to."

"I’m happyyou’re home." She was painfully thin, and it tugged at hisheart to see the ravages on her face. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better.Caleb, my brother, and sister-in-law have been here for me." Shelooked up at the man standing by the window with a smile.

"I brought someof the enormous amounts of flowers home with me and left most at thehospital. Pierre sent over tons of soup." She added, referringto the chef. "I’ll be back on my feet soon enough to startworking-"

"Please, don'tworry about it." Kane glanced over at Caleb and gave a slightnod which was correctly interpreted.

"I have somecalls to make." Moving towards the sofa, he bent to kiss her onthe cheek. "Taking care of you has been messing with my work."

Before she couldrespond, he left the room and closed the door.

"How are youreally?" Kane had no idea what to say to her. He’d advisedKenji to wait and promised to run interference for him, but thedamage had been done.

"My stomach israw," She rubbed her chest automatically. "I know I lookhaggard-"

"You’restill beautiful."

"I wasn’tfishing for compliments."

"Still." Helowered himself into the chair across from her. "The baby ishealthy?”

She nodded. “Yes.I’m happy about that."

"There issomething I need to discuss with you."

"If you’replanning on firing me-"

"No." Heshook his head. Damn, he should have brought his wife with him. "It'sabout Kenji."

He saw when shestiffened. "He’s back."

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