Page 32 of Kenji

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“Christ!”Kane muttered. “Damn you, Kenji. What the hell have you done?”


She somehow managedto keep it together for the rest of the afternoon. It helped that shewas busy. The planning and meetings for the society wedding kept heron the phone for several hours. Also, the Thanksgiving deal was infull swing, and she had a lot to see to.

She couldn’tafford to think about him or the fact he might have told Kane aboutwhat they did. The fact he discussed something so personal andprivate with his cousin, who happens to be her employer, told herwhat kind of man he was.

She wasn’tgoing to waste her time crying over him anymore. He wasn’tworth it.

To make it evenbetter for her, Kane left shortly after, giving her a break, sheneeded.

She left at ten thatnight and stopped at Caleb’s place.

“Youresurfaced.” She murmured as he greeted her at the door andtook her coat.

“Yeah.”His blue eyes scanned her face. “You look like hell.”

“Thanks. Thisreminds me why you’re not my boyfriend.”

“I’m nota boy, and telling you the truth is what a best friend is supposed todo.” Taking her hand, he led her into the comfortable livingroom, where there was a fire burning inside the hearth.


“No.”Sinking down into the rocker, she eased out of her boots. “Itwas so hectic today. It was unbelievable.”

He continued to stareat her and waited for her to get to the point.

“I didsomething incredibly stupid.”

“You slept withthe guy.”

“Yes.”Rubbing her hands over her face, she sank back against the cushions.“And he told Kane.”

Caleb’s eyesglittered. “Why the hell would he do that?”

“Becausehe’s a dick.” She blew out a breath. “They’reclose, and I think Kane suspected there was something between us.Kane was there today and told me that he- Kenji left.”


She shook her head.“He didn’t say, and I didn’t ask. There’ssomething else.”

“I can hardlywait.”

“I’m inlove with him.” The tears came now. “I’m in lovewith a man who used me and treated me like garbage.”

“Oh, sweetie.”Abandoning his place on the single sofa, he came over and pulled herinto his arms. The tight control she’d placed over her emotionsdissolved like smoke. Grabbing his shirt in her fist, she allowed thetears to come.

Caleb’sexpression was grim, his mouth tight. When he found the little prick,he was going to use his pretty face as a punching bag. The bastard!

“Hey. You’regoing to make yourself sick.” He escorted her over to themaroon loveseat and sat with her on his lap.

“I wanted toquit.”

“Then he wouldhave won.” He cupped her tear-stained face between his hands.“I’m going to ask you something very personal.”

She nodded.

“Did he-“He cleared his throat. “When you were- Shit, this is difficult,so I’m going to come right out and say it. Did he use anythingwhen you were doing it?”

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