Page 22 of Kenji

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Caviar, tinysandwiches, fat shrimp, and canapes were heaped on plates. The barwas very busy, and the laughter and conversation muted. Thechandeliers hanging from the sloped roof gave the dazzling jewelrythe women had on an added layer of glitter.

She was awestruck bythe number of celebrities present, but it didn’t show on herperfectly made-up face. She was in her element and would stop toadmire a customer’s dress or simply make a welcoming comment.She almost sagged in relief when she noticed Caleb coming into theroom and heading straight toward her.

Kenji had arrivedwith a stunning blonde on his arm, and it made her want to scratchthe woman's green eyes out. It was very good that she hadn’tbeen foolish enough to accept his invitation to go to his place. Shewould’ve looked like a fool.

"Wow!"Caleb whistled softly as he turned her around to get the full effectof her dress. "Where’s the rest of it?"

"Don't start.You’re late."

"Yes, Mother. Itso happens I had to make a stop somewhere before I came here."Leaning down, he kissed her on her cheek. "This party won’tbe breaking up until around midnight. How’s it going?"

"I’mshaking, and my belly is quivering so much I can’t eatanything."

"Everythinglooks great." He guided her over to a table bursting with food.Snagging two glasses of champagne, he handed her one.

"He’s herewith a blonde."

"Oh?" Calebangled his head to see Kenji leaning against a sturdy column, his armdraped casually around the blonde's waist. "I know her."

"She’s anactress."

"Yeah. Thinkhe’s doing her?"

"Don't know anddon't care." Downing the champagne like it was water, shegrabbed his hand. "Dance with me."

"You reallyshould eat something." He pulled her into his arms as they hitthe dancefloor.

“Not yet.”Wrapping her hands around his neck, she swayed to the music.

Across the room,Kenji eyed them with narrowed eyes. He’d done his best to avoidgoing in her direction, but it hadn’t done any good. He wasacutely aware of her, even though they were several feet apart. He’dalso noticed when the guy arrived and had stiffened when he wrappedhis arms around her.

Damn them both tohell, he thought viciously, downing the champagne.


Forcing himself toconcentrate on his date, he turned to look at her. He’d invitedher out of defiance and desperation; now, he was regretting thedecision. "Yes?"

"We shoulddance."

He was about torefuse when a sudden idea hit him. "We should." Taking herarm, he led her onto the dance floor, maneuvering until he was nearthe couple. "Mind if I cut in?" The steely note in hisvoice wasn’t lost on Caleb.


"We don't wantto make a scene now, do we?" Kenji's eyes flickered over Calebcoldly.

"We don't. But Idon’t think my girl wants to dance with you."

"Why don't weask her?" His sharp dark gaze settled on Chantelle's face."Shall we?"


Letting go of his owndate, he stepped smoothly in the way and tugged at Chantelle's hand.

"What the hellare you doing?" Caleb hissed.

"Taking mattersinto my own hands. This is Karen." He wrinkled his brow atCaleb. "I don't know your name."

"We’reattracting attention." Chantelle had never been so mortified inher life. "It's okay, Caleb; I’ll dance with him."

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