Page 14 of Kenji

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"Perhaps becauseI’m talking to you. I knew I shouldn’t have left youthere by yourself."

"I wished I’dtold you to wait." She blew out a breath. "You know what?I’m a big girl, and I made a mistake and am going to have tolive with it. I’m going to move on and forget it."

"Can you?"

"I will. KenjiLee isn’t my type, and I’m sure as hell not his."

"Don't be toosure about that, darling. Have you looked in the mirror lately? Youare every man's type."

"I told him youwere that we were together."

"I feel soused." He told her dryly. “So, I’m going to have toshow up at that fancy restaurant whenever he happens to pop by?"

"Would you?"

"For a price."

"What price?"

"You read thedraft I just started and tell me honestly what you think."

"You don't needany validation. Your books are amazing. Which brings me to theburning question."


"The lovescenes."

"Ah." Hechuckled.


"What do youthink?"

"They’resmoking hot."

"They were meantto be. Got you all hot under the collar, did it?"

"Something likethat." The reminder brought her back to the scene in her office."Thanks for listening."

"Anytime,darling. It seems I’ve lost my chance with you for good."

"You never had achance where that’s concerned."

"I suppose not.Now I get to be your pretend guy. Sweet."

"You’resuch a moron." She told him with a laugh. “Go to bed. I’lltalk to you in the morning."

"Get some sleep,darling, and put it out of your mind."

However, that waseasier said than done.

Chapter 4

She told herself shewas a professional, and she was, of course. She’d proven toherself and others that she could work under pressure. She’dspent last night and this morning analyzing the situation. She’dallowed it to happen, and it’d been amazing.

Now it was done.She’d move on with her life and be done with it. She’davoid him if that's what it takes. If he happened to come into therestaurant, she’d be too busy to even look at him.

No doubt he’dcome in with a date, and she’d do her best to avoid his table.She was the manager and could easily send someone else to him. It wasjust a slip, nothing more.

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