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Time was running out, and I couldn't afford to wait any longer. Sophia had been fortunate today, but she might not be next time. I needed to act swiftly.

Chapter 39


Seated in the spacious apartment Antonio and I had found refuge in, I couldn't shake off the burning anger that gnawed at me.

Antonio's rugged frame perched on the couch was engrossed in a flurry of phone calls and text messages. His unwavering dedication to keeping us safe was reassuring, but my thoughts were elsewhere.

Francisco, who had already taken so much from me, had now ordered an attack on our home. The audacity of his actions was infuriating. First, the murder of my parents, and now, an attempt on my life.

Antonio had explained that Matteo was meeting with that same man. I couldn't help but worry about his safety. Antonio had assured me Matteo would be fine. Still, my concern lingered like a storm cloud.

Sitting before me was a laptop I had found in the apartment. It beckoned, a silent promise of information and potential retribution. I was on a personal mission I hadn't shared with Matteo.

Revenge was a dish best served cold, and I intended to make Francisco pay for all the pain he had caused.

The night stretched, and the dim light from the laptop cast an eerie glow in the spacious apartment.

My fingers danced across the keyboard with practiced precision, every click and keystroke an intimate interaction with the digital world. Antonio sat nearby, oblivious to what I was doing.

I had a singular goal – to bring Francisco to justice and make him pay for the pain he inflicted upon my life.

The audacity of the man, first taking my parents from me and then ordering an attack on me, fueled a burning rage within. Revenge was a dish best served digitally, and I was the chef.

The laptop hummed with purpose as lines of code scrolled across the screen. Firewalls and encryptions were mere obstacles to be conquered, and I relished the challenge.

Each layer of security was a puzzle waiting to be solved, a digital lock to be picked.

As the night wore on, I navigated through confidential files, traced illicit financial transactions, and uncovered connections that would send shockwaves through the criminal underworld.

The information I gathered was like pieces of a puzzle, slowly revealing Francisco's empire.

My fingers flew across the keyboard, navigating through encrypted files and secured servers. It was a dangerous game, one that required finesse and precision.

But I was no longer the innocent girl he had once targeted. I had evolved into something far more formidable – a force to be reckoned with.

I delved into records of drug shipments, tracing their origins and destinations. I downloaded incriminating documents, capturing the sordid details of his illicit activities.

Each piece of evidence was a puzzle in the grand design of justice.

I encrypted the data with a few keystrokes and prepared to release it to the authorities. The police needed to see the extent of Francisco's criminal empire to understand the depth of his corruption.

I was their unlikely informant, a digital vigilante seeking to bring a malevolent kingpin to his knees.

The moment of truth arrived as I initiated the transfer of information. The evidence flowed through encrypted channels, invisible to prying eyes. It was a digital avalanche that would bury Francisco.

I watched the progress bars fill, knowing that the authorities were one step closer to pursuing Francisco with each passing second.

As the final piece of evidence was securely transmitted, I leaned back in my chair, my exhaustion tempered by a profound satisfaction.

My work was done for now. The police would take it from here.

With a weary smile, I shut down the laptop and slept.

The soft morning light filtered through the windows, gently coaxing me out of slumber. The events of the past few days' weighed heavily on my mind as I began my morning routine.

Dressing in haste, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, a constant reminder that danger lurked just beyond the horizon.
