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“Oh good,” Elise said, and reached for the brand.

Drake’s hand shot out lightning quick and snatched it away before Elise could grab it. Elise frowned at him but said nothing. Drake looked me in the eye and nodded as he held the lighter up to the metal. My heart raced as I watched the metal slowly go from dark gray to light gray, yellow, then red.

“Ready?” Drake asked.

Unable to speak, I nodded and put my arm out for him. The fear of pain was intense, but not as bad as it would’ve been a week ago. After what I’d done and seen, I knew there were many worse things than a small burn. Drake didn’t drag it out at least. He went quick, shoving the metal into my arm. For a quarter of a second there was no pain, and I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then it hit. An icy hot searing agony on the tiny patch of flesh. I clenched my teeth together but did my best not to make a sound. It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, but it felt like the damned thing was on me for a day. Finally, blessedly, Drake pulled it away. Clamping my hand on the wound, I took a few steadying breaths.

Drake grabbed a cup from the table and looked at me. “What’s your poison?”

“Whiskey,” I muttered.

He poured me a shot and handed it to me. The liquid burned my throat almost as painfully as the metal had burned my arm. I almost never drank, simply because it cost money to buy alcohol and there’d been nearly zero extra in my budget. Once it was down, though, a pleasant warmth spread through my stomach.

“Secret,” Liam said. “You’re supposed to tell before you take a drink, but oh well.”

“Oh, right,” I said. I racked my brain for something and finally said, “One of my foster brothers got in trouble for stealing twenty dollars from my foster father. He beat the shit out of him with a belt for it, but I was the one who stole it. I did it and basically framed him because he was always picking on me, and would constantly be inappropriate toward me. Asking for blow jobs and stuff like that.”

“Ewww, your foster brother wanted you to suck his dick?” Bri asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

“It wasn’t a great place, but better than where I lived before,” I said. After a moment’s hesitation, I added, “Barely.”

The game went on for nearly an hour. We were all burned and drunk before long. The secrets were getting more ridiculous as we went. To the point that I wondered if anyone was actually telling the truth anymore. I had a pretty heavy buzz.

Drake sat right next to me. Within touching distance, and I so wanted to touch him. Even if the others were around. Giving in to temptation, I leaned close and ran a hand up his back as we watched Bri burn Elise’s arm again. Instead of wincing in pain, the two women devolved into giggles.

The whole thing was kind of sexy for some reason. The tiny little torturous burns were almost pleasurable with the more alcohol I took in. The drunker I got, the more perversely enjoyable it became.

Feeling my hand, Drake turned and looked at me. The intensity in his eyes gave me butterflies. His own hand drifted back to slide along my thigh. My heart accelerated. I could do this for all time, touching him and being touched, looking into those deep green eyes.

Bong. “I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Since you played nice and obeyed the rules, feel free to enjoy thirty minutes of free time. After thirty minutes you’ll have five minutes to get back to your rooms.”

That was it. No other rules or stipulations. Thirty minutes to do whatever we wanted. That was a change of pace.

“Okay,” Elise said, slurring her words. “I know what I need, and I haven’t had it in fucking weeks. Come here, jackass.”

She dropped to her knees in front of Liam and tugged at his waistband. Liam’s eyes went wide, but his face was still drunkenly slack. “What the fuck?”

“I need dick, okay? You can do this and not get all ooey-gooey, right?”

“Uh…” Liam smiled and shrugged. “Screw it. Sure. Why not? What else are we gonna do?”

Fuck. Elise yanked his sweatpants down, grabbed Liam’s hardening cock, and slipped it into her mouth. He groaned and dropped his head back on the couch.

Drake took my hand. “I think this is our cue to leave.” He glanced at Bri. “You want to go too?”

Bri stared at Elise and Liam, smiling, intense drunken curiosity clear on her face. She shook her head in answer, but her gaze stayed on Liam and Elise. Part of me wanted to get the hell out of there, but another part of me wanted to just sit and watch the way Bri was.

A warmth blossomed between my legs as my clit swelled watching Elise suck Liam’s dick.

On the other hand, Drake… I slid my hand into his, and he stood and led me to the exit. At the door, curious, I turned for one last look and saw Liam pulling Elise’s pants down, and Bri was pulling her sweatshirt up over her head. Holy shit, were they all three gonna do it together? My sober mind would’ve found that sort of repulsive, especially with how much I didn’t like the others, but my drunk mind thought it sounded hot as hell.

A second later, Drake was tugging me along the hallway. “Let’s go to my room,” he said.

My steps quickened in time with my heart. My mind flashed back to what the other three were doing to each other. If Drake had the same idea, I was all in. Giddy with the liquor, the thought of blowing Drake sent jolts of fire through my clit.

It took a few precious minutes to get to his room. Once in, we flopped onto his bed, Drake laughing as I landed on top of him. I couldn’t remember him ever laughing like that in all the time I’d known him. It was a nice sound.

He rolled us so he was on top of me and pressed his lips to mine. Releasing a sigh, I let him slide his tongue into my mouth. The soft wet flesh slipped over my teeth and caressed my tongue. I’d never had a kiss so erotic as this one. Every thought of where we were and what we’d done evaporated. All that mattered was Drake and me. We could’ve been anywhere.

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