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His hand never slowed, moving as furiously as ever even as he climaxed, and my orgasm was close. My body felt like it was being lifted into the air, rising even as I clutched his shoulder with one hand and his cock with the other. Higher and higher, until with one last jolt of his fingers and palm, I came crashing down. My body shook and spasmed, but he kept slamming his fingers against my perfect spot. The orgasm came on in waves, rising and crashing over me, and before I could catch my breath, another crushed me. My legs almost gave out, but I managed to hold myself up.

He kept going until I could barely breathe. I’d never experienced anything like it. All the while, Drake looked into my eyes as he fucked me with his hand.

Finally, it ended. Seconds? Minutes? Hours? God only knew how long he’d had me under that carnal spell.

After pulling his hand out of my pants, Drake pulled me into him, holding me close.

Burying my face in his neck, I inhaled the scent of him. Sandalwood, the same soap as mine, but also his unique scent. Under my ear, his heart thudded as hard as mine.

When my knees would take my weight again, I drew back and wiped my hand clean on my pants, trying to calm my breathing. I couldn’t even count the number of times he’d made me come before he let me rest, and being held after without demands was almost as good as the orgasms.


My wrist buzzed, and we looked at the device on my arm. I think you’ve both had your reward for a job well done. Time to get back to your rooms.

Drake and I started back on our way. Neither of us spoke, but we each threw a few furtive glances at each other as we hurried to our rooms so we could change and get ready for dinner. Drake stepped into his room down the hall, but not before giving me a wink.

I leaned against my door once it latched. All the emotions and evasive thoughts crashed into me, ruining what had been the best sex I’d had, ever, and it hadn’t even been full sex. Now all I could think of was how it was stupid to do something like that. To let myself go like that. Jerking him off and letting him finger-fuck me? A guy I barely knew? In a place like this? Fucking crazy. Almost as crazy as what we’d done to those men, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t convince myself that it had been wrong. Not the sex, and especially not the torture. Both had filled an empty hole inside me.

A hole I hadn’t even known was there.

Chapter 11

We were called to dinner, and familiar butterflies danced in my stomach as I walked down the hall. Would Jeffery be there? That was the question that kept bouncing through my head. Was he actually dead? Had I killed him by putting whatever that stuff was on his food?

My time in the playroom had been a nice reprieve from the worry about him, but now his fate haunted me again.

I was the first one in the dining room. The others came trickling in over the next three minutes, and when the final alarm sounded and the door to the room swung shut and locked, Jeffery was nowhere to be seen. My housemates glanced around nervously as we all took our seats. We ate and this time there was no conversation. They were silent and the mood of the room was dark and brooding.

A few minutes into the meal, Elise pointed toward the empty chair with a fork. “That’s two people in three days.” She slid her gaze across each of us. “It’s never been that close before.”

“Shut up,” Bri hissed.

“No,” Elise barked. “Why should I? For all we know, the sick fuck who put us here is going to start picking us off. One by one until we’re all dead. At this rate we’ll all be gone in a week.”

Bri slammed her hand down on the table. “Chill out, damn it. Calm down and eat your fucking food.”

Bri and Elise glared at each other for several seconds, the tension building until I could almost cut it with a knife. Finally, as quickly as it had built, it dissipated. Like a balloon popping. Both women turned back to their food and said nothing else to each other. I frowned and wondered if they’d both been this crazy before they’d been taken. I thought not. Especially considering the change that had already come over me in the short time I’d been here. For fuck’s sake. What would I be like after another week of this? A month? I needed to ask Drake how long he’d been in here. They said he’d been the first, but of everyone, he was the calmest and appeared the least broken.

Dinner finished without anything terrible happening. When the chime sounded and we stood, I let out a sigh of relief. We walked down the hall toward our rooms, and as each of my housemates disappeared into their separate bunks, I wondered what they’d be dreaming about or thinking tonight. Would they be guilt-ridden about whatever thing they’d done?

I wouldn’t. If anything, I’d have a hard time getting to sleep. I was already picturing Branson squirming in agony as his dick and balls turned black. It wasn’t guilt but excitement that filled me. Maybe Sam would gas me again tonight to put me to sleep.

Before I stepped into my room, a hand at my back made me nearly come unglued. I jumped and turned to see Drake. My apprehension disappeared.

“Are you good?” he asked.

“Yeah. It’s been a long day. I’m exhausted.” Not that it would help me get to sleep.

He nodded. “Get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.”

I gave him a crooked smile. “That’s what my therapist always says.”

“Weird. Mine too. Maybe it’s the new trend. It’s not a bad idea.” Without another word, he walked off to his room.

I still had the feeling that I’d seen Drake somewhere else, but I wasn’t sure where. Maybe it had been in the waiting room? Was this another thing he and I had in common? It was a big city but therapists were in short supply. It didn’t strain credulity if we went to the same one.

When I stepped into my room, I found a pair of silk pajamas on my bed. Frowning, I picked them up. The fabric flowed over my hands almost like water, cool and smooth, obviously expensive. I remembered what Drake had said earlier in the day. Severe punishments for refusal and rewards for subservience.

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