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His gaze and words steadied me, but I couldn’t form a response. My mouth went dry and my throat locked. All I could do was nod shakily and stare at the stupid fucker. His cock and balls were shriveled and shrunken from cold and probably a lot of fear. He’d worn himself out trying to break free, and now sat with his head down, gasping for air.

“It’s okay,” Drake said. “Big deep breath. Stay calm. Look at it like a job. Something you do, not something you are.”

I nodded, looked at the tool in my hand, and tried to swallow.

“Please, lady,” Branson rasped. His throat was raw from yelling. “Don’t do this. You can’t.”

“We can and we will,” Drake said. “We obey orders, or we get punished.”

Branson thrashed one more time. “No. Goddamn it, you can’t cut off my pecker and nuts. This is crazy,” he gibbered. “Fucking crazy.” The last two words came as a shout. More of a shriek, really.

I didn’t look at him. I was too busy trying to figure out how the little tool worked. The rubber band needed to be wrapped around the four pins. When the handles were squeezed together, it would stretch the band big enough to fit around his ball sack.

Okay. Deep breath and jump in.

The first band went flying across the room as my shaking hands couldn’t hold it correctly. I managed to get the second one on all four pins. With a testing squeeze, the device opened and the band stretched to a remarkable size. Closing it again, I took a few deep breaths. It was heavy in my hand, and the weight made it more sinister.

Instead of filling me with revulsion or horror, I enjoyed flexing it. The tool gave me power over these men. I really liked that power.

Drake lowered his hand and dripped hot oil across Branson’s scrotum and penis. Fuckface squealed in surprise and pain, then his words deteriorated into incomprehensible babbling. Drake did it again, and after the screams, the lumps of flesh between his legs were now an angry, nearly blistered, red.

“You’ll need to touch him,” Drake said. “Do it fast, and try not to think about it. It’s just skin. Think of it like that.”

Before I could answer, Branson cut in.

“Please,” he begged. “Don’t. You can’t.”

His voice hit me like the flip of a light switch. Any reservations I had vanished. If he’d kept his mouth shut, I would’ve had a harder time.

I sighed and looked up at his bag-covered face. “Yeah, I can’t, huh? Pfft. You deserve nothing,” I hissed through gritted teeth. Rage was rapidly erasing any sympathy I may have had. “You raped a child. Children. You paid my shit parents money to shove your disgusting thing into me. You shouldn’t have done that. So now, we’ll take away the fucking temptation.”

I snapped the handles together and grabbed his genitals. A wave of revulsion coursed through me touching him like that. Skin. It was only skin.

As I fit the band around all the folds and lumps of skin and flesh, his tone changed. He was no longer begging or bargaining. The real Branson came out. “Fuck you, you little cunt,” he hissed in rage. “I shoulda fucked you to death when you was a kid. Should’ve rammed my dick into you so hard it killed you. That’s all you are. A cunt whore. I’m the best lay you’ll ever have. You hear me, bitch? Do you hear me?” He growled and made crazy wheezing sounds.

I finished tucking the balls and penis through the band, then looked at Drake. “Take his hood off.”

“What?” Drake’s brows knitted in confusion.

The power was intoxicating. Any tiny hint of remorse was gone as I imagined myself as some avenging angel about to bring justice to a demon.

“I said take the goddamned hood off,” I got out through gritted teeth.

Drake shrugged and used his free hand to yank the draw strings loose and then pulled the hood away.

Branson’s face was scraggly with stubble, his eyes were bloodshot from crying, and he was doing his best to look into my eyes, to be fearless. Too bad for him, fear couldn’t hide. I too easily pinpointed the deep abyss of terror in those eyes. Seeing it and knowing what I was about to do made me feel almost drunk. A warm sensation trickled down my spine.

“You won’t do it,” Branson whispered. “You ain’t got the balls.”

I smirked at him and held his gaze. “And now you don’t either.”

Releasing the band felt incredible. It snapped around the base of his scrotum and dick. The other man was gasping in panicked breaths, listening to what was happening.

Branson’s eyes bulged out, and his mouth dropped open into a silent yell. His balls and cock were already turning purple and swelling with the blood. Yuck. Branson’s silent scream erupted into a barking and hiccupping yowl.

“Your turn,” I said to Drake.

I gave him the tool and took the kettle from him. Drake looked at me and shook his head slowly. “You’re dangerous, Dahlia Belrose. You’ll do well here. If nothing else, Sam will enjoy having you around.”

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