Page 65 of Devil Within

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“What is this?” I ask.

“A bit of the wild side!” Blake says throwing back his drink.

I laugh. “Yeah, I get it, but what exactly is this? I’m not putting anything foreign into my mouth.”

“It’s a mix of several things. Vodka, rum and a few fruity drinks. It’s good,” he assures me.

I hesitate for a second before throwing the drinking back all at once and the cool alcohol viciously licks the insides of my throat.

Blake takes our glasses and discards them on a near table before turning back to me. “Wanna dance?”

“Right now?”

Blake pulls me further into the crowds, sliding his fingers lower against my waist and my breath hitches as he presses himself against me.

“You know, I’ve always thought you were hot,” he whispers into my ear.

“Really?” I can’t hide the scepticism from creeping into my voice. “We’ve barely spoken to each other before.”

He smirks. “Maybe because you’ve always been hanging around with the football crowd.”

“You wouldn’t have noticed me if I wasn’t with the football crowd,” I say.

“Maybe I would have.”

I’m suddenly feeling hot all over like it’s really crowded inside the bar. My head swims and I feel weirdly light.

“I don’t feel too good—” I begin.

“Just have fun.” Blake’s grip on me tightens and he leans forward pressing his hot mouth against mine.

I try to push him away, but there’s no use because he’s three times my size and his hold is crushing me to him.

My body begins to hurt and my head feels like it’s about to explode any second as he slips his tongue into my mouth.

“You’re so hot,” he whispers as he moves his mouth lower, his teeth grazing my neck.

“Get off,” I whisper, his fingernails digging into my arms.

My chest tightens and I can’t breathe. The lights above are flashing black and white as he grasps my left boob.

“Don’t be a boring bitch,” Blake slurs.

As his hand lowers to my shorts, I feel him being jerked off of me. Through my blurry vision, I can see people hypnotically dancing around us. And when I look down, Hudson is there on top of Blake.

The veins on his neck are standing up, his face is darker than usual as if he’s wearing the mask of a completely different person and his body is rigid with anger as he punches Blake.

I see the blood and Blake gasping for air and I scream, but it gets muffled by the sounds of the music in the air.

“What did you fucking do?” Hudson shouts.

Blake mumbles something inaudible before Hudson punches him again and again. I squeeze my eyes shut to get myself together before opening them again. My vision is still blurry.

I feel myself falling forward, but before I do, Hudson catches me and pulls me close to him before we escape the claustrophobic bar and out into the cool air.

Taking in gulps of air, my chest heaves, but I still can’t find my breath. It’s as if my airway is blocked.

Hudson opens a car door and helps me in, before coming around to his side. He switches the car on and the engine roars to life.
