Page 83 of Hate Me Like You Do

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Their lips are a singeing tingle that travels over every inch of my skin. A call that alerts every cell in my body to come to life. It feels like a gift. Like the curtain of smoke that clouds my mind is parting and if I can just reach it, I can tear it away for good.

Somehow my entire body was cold and clammy one minute into the droning indistinguishable nonsense of whatever subject Landon was going on about. Then the next... everything was sizzling hot. My mind a firework show of thoughts, each a beautiful glittering thought that showers back down over me.

In no world will Ronan be happy by the detention I so clearly earned. Yet, I just don’t give a damn. Not now. Not when I can still so clearly remember the vivid colors and sensations that flooded my senses.

My father, my mother, these boys, everything is a confusing mess. A new muddling of feelings and emotions mixing with touch and awakening sensation.

I love it. I need more.

They did me a favor. Landon and Reed lifted some of the haze from my mind. Giving me clear, concise chances at thoughts that aren’t riddled with anxiety. Anxiety so strong that I lose my breath. No, they made me lose my breath but in a very, very good way.

Maybe I will flunk out of high school and maybe I won’t ever go on to college. But I’m not going to let these fuckers ruin me the way Ronan so clearly ruined my mother. Is this how Ronan did it? Drove my mother mad with fleeting touches so good she became addicted and when he denied them from her, it drove her to a new addiction?

That will not be me. I can play this game too.

Some of the new flooring that was laid down in the hall, that leads to my soon to be new bedroom, creaks when I walk on it. It’s still settling into place in the bones of this remodeled home.

Intrigue sparks inside me as to exactly what my father is making for me in that room. In my peripheral though, I see a figure emerge from the room I’m currently staying in. Quiet knowing steps disappear down the stairs.

I twist to follow. Messy brown hair pushed back from his face, perfect posture, and scarred hands. Knox strides down each step. He acts as if he is unaware of my presence but I know that isn’t true.

He’s just so damn good at pretending.

Knox gives a small nod to Reed as he passes him and darts into the open door of the bathroom, shutting it firmly behind him. Reed watches me curiously, his steps carrying him closer to the kitchen.

I spy an opportunity.

Reed disappears behind the swinging kitchen door. His image isn’t hidden for long as I push my way inside. The muscles under his shirt become apparent as the material clings to him when he reaches inside a cabinet. With a small look over his shoulder he does a double take then turns to face me. He’s holding a small jar of peanut butter but those sweeping eyes of his stay on me.

“Whats up?” he asks quietly, casually leaning against the counter. One hand opens the drawer next to him pulling out a spoon without his attention leaving me for a single second.

“I’m just… looking for a snack.”

A sly smile, a few tentative steps, and my teeth raking over my bottom lip is all it takes for a different sort of hunger to flash through his eyes.

He clears his throat, holding up the jar. “Peanut butter? It, uh, has protein.”

Protein. Even when he isn’t trying, he sounds like a jock. It doesn’t fool me, I know he’s more than a muscle head.

Most days.

I step closer. With one hand ahold of the container, I let my palm graze against his while the other unscrews the lid. Then I take his other hand.

His eyebrows raise but he lets me do it without a fight. I single out his pointer finger and dip it into the jar. The thick, creamy peanut butter follows gravity in a drop that threatens to fall from his finger.

It never hits the floor. Not when I guide his hand to my mouth, my tongue racing over his finger to devour every ounce of the sticky creaminess. My tongue slides along his skin, sucking hard before kissing there slowly.

Reed holds his breath.

I pull away and he watches me very carefully like this is a fragile moment that could break any second. I dip my own finger into the jar and offer my hand.

“Protein?” I ask. The one word sounds so much dirtier than it should.

Reed hums then adds a small smile before he leans down and flicks his tongue over me to lap up the snack. The way he does it to me is the opposite of how I did it to him. Slow flicks of his tongue twirl around me before he sucks so hard I feel the sensation right between my thighs.

His steely eyes appear darker when he looks back up at me.

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