Page 81 of Hate Me Like You Do

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With Mr. Reyes back, me and Reed were originally supposed to go back to our homes. But neither of us could quite pack up and leave. We couldn’t leave Dee behind.

She needs us. We should be here.

Because we clearly weren’t when it mattered.

Students whisper in the distance, the lullaby of fingers typing away on keyboards, an orchestra that plays here daily. Tall bookshelves separate us from prying eyes. I don’t want the students to see Dee. Not anymore. I won’t let them play their games with her.

She sits still as stone. So damn vacant it kills me. My eyes slide to her chest, the even rising and falling telling me she’s still alive. I’d destroy this whole room, set all the books on fire, if it would mean getting some sort of reaction out of Dee. Good, bad, ugly. I don’t care what it is.

If she needs to break down. I’ll let her. If she needs to scream. She can scream at me.

I sigh.

My hand trailing with a feather light touch over her knuckles. Not even a twitch of a movement when I expect her to pull away.

It’s like she feels nothing.

Like she is nothing.

A chair slides against the carpeted floor, Reed’s blonde hair and steely eyes lit with the spark of determination as he plops into the seat. He flings a second book, that’s open by his seat, closed. Dee blinks at the noise.

“Dude, we’re trying to study here.” I wave my hand over the books. It’s all useless though, I’ll admit that.

I get that Reed may not remember what a book looks like but he can’t be that fucking stupid not to realize we’re working here.

“Yeah.” Reed pushes the book in front of Dee away from us. “This shit is more important than algebra.”

“The book doesn’t have a single number in it, Reed. It’s clearly not Algebra.”

“Whatever.” Reed only gives me a passing glance before he shifts his whole body toward Dee. “What’s your deal?”

Her eyelashes stutter. Blinking only in response to the harsh tone of his words.

Reed licks his lower lip. “You’re just walking around like you’re on autopilot. Did he fucking do something to you? Did Knox do something?” His voice growls as if he’ll really challenge Knox in any way, shape, or form. “Did his father…” He pauses. “Did that man touch you?”

Suddenly I’m hanging on the silence too.

Did he fucking touch her?

Wide eyes, and nearly pouting lips, Reed is a moment away from begging for answers. Fuck, I’ll beg too if need be.

“Just– I hate this shit.” His head lowers until his temple rests against her shoulder, his lips parting with a heavy sigh. Her blonde locks dance in his breath, feathering across her chest.

She opens her mouth, a shiver twitches down her spine, her hands unclasping as she swallows hard.

And then a thought, a revelation, clicks into place so fast my dick gets hard.

She’s turned on.

Holy shit, she’s turned on.

A thousand thoughts slam through my mind but I’m careful when I lean toward her. My fingers push back her long blonde hair and she watches me out of the corner of her eye as I lean closer. And closer. And closer.

Today she smells like honey. A scent I could breathe in all day, everyday. My lips brush along her neck and the breath in her lungs shudders out in one heavy swoop.

Holy fucking shit.

Hesitantly, my palm pushes across her stomach, sneaking beneath her top to feel the smooth skin of her abdomen. Reed watches me with his thick brows shadowing his eyes and it takes the jackass a minute for understanding to wash over his face.

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