Page 76 of Hate Me Like You Do

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In front of Landon. And Knox.


We’ve come a long long way from breaking that rule.

And apparently, Reed realizes that.

But this doesn’t feel sexual. Not when he’s brushing my blonde hair back and looking up at me with those big steely eyes. Total concern is etched in the depths of those eyes.

“I’m going to make everything okay, Dee,” he promises, his warm palm skimming along my jaw as his other hand holds me firmly in place.

A sick bubbling laughter parts my lips on a weak breath. I push out of his strong arms and he reluctantly lets me go. I slump into my chair at an awkward angle but it doesn’t matter.

Reed can’t make this okay. He might be an expert at football plays but this...this shit’s over his head.

It’s over my head.

And I’m drowning in it.

Over the never ceasing movement of his thumbs across the phone Ronan barks an order, “Boys, go ahead and head to Mournmount. No need for me to explain to your parents why you weren’t at school or were late when there isn’t a need to. Knox and Violet will be home after court today.” His eyes immediately darted back down.

Reed’s gaze burns up my features but I never once look back at him. Even as he slowly stands, and then walks away.

Landon leaves too, following behind his friend with just a tad bit more hesitancy. As if he might say something. Knox notices his slowing movements too. He eyes him with a stare that says he better keep moving. So he does. Landon walks right out that door.

They left me alone with my father and my brother. Oh, that word sits so foul on my tongue. I let my eyes drift to him.

He didn’t save me. My mind sings again. I close my eyes harshly, squeezing them together so tight my nose crinkles too.

He didn’t save me.

But he tried to save me before his father came home. Does that means Knox is just as scared of his father as everyone else is?

The realization comes to me in an odd hazy feeling. Torn. I’m always torn between loving and hating the boys that live in this house. It’s annoying to be physically attracted to total shit men.

As I open my eyes, the deepest darkest gaze, the color of caramel and lustful sins, stares right back at me. We blink. Neither of us move or break eye contact. It’s like he read my thoughts, can sense in a way that I’m thinking about him.

Why is he here anyway? Shouldn’t he be running off back to Mournmount too? He doesn’t seem like he wants to be here. Not in the way he watches me like I’m going to shatter any minute and he’ll be the one to bitterly pick up the pieces and toss me out.

I want to think concern shines in his gaze. Yet, if I look too hard at those caramel brown eyes they start to turn into black pools. Dark, unyielding, holes that suck up joy with little sympathy to give in return.

That’s not the Knox I knew this summer. Perhaps a bit closer to the Knox who persecuted me through the beginning of the school year. It still feels as if Ronan’s presence changes him for the worst.

The very fucking worst.

Finally, he drops his gaze as Ronan looks up from his phone. I don’t give him my attention, not when I’m already so close to losing the small piece of sanity I’ve found today.

“Well, let’s get going.” Ronan stands, pulling the napkin from his lap and folding it over his breakfast plate on the small foyer’s coffee table in front of him.

Knox stands first. On quiet footsteps he strolls behind Ronan, fingers fisted tightly into his palms, the hint of a frown turning his lips down.

A bubble of warmth floats up inside me. Excitement? I’m not even sure at this point. Every emotion has been on strike since those days in the basement. Nothing has felt the same, it’s as if every feeling comes with its own questions. Mostly the question of if it’s real or not.

I trail behind them, keeping a safe distance. I already found out what it’s like to be within reaching distance of a Reyes. One will yank your hair out and slam your face into the concrete ground and the other… well the other will take your virginity and never speak of it again.

Car doors slam shut with a bang as the crisp scent of new leather seats greets me, and the driver pulls out of the garage. I grip the edge of the seat under me with both hands.

Ronan turns back from the passenger seat, a quick glance and a short wave. “Knox, your sister, please.”

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