Page 40 of Holly and Ice

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“I’ll keep your secrets, I swear,” Holly said fervently. “And I’m so happy that can keep working with everyone at the Bearpaw Ridge office. I really want to stay here and continue the bear hibernation project.”

Arnold’s battered features inclined in a regal nod. “Excellent. You’ve been doing good work on that study so far.”

Ice sensed his mate’s pleasure at the compliment.

“Don’t forget to take care of that leg, though,” Beckworth continued. “I want you all healed up in time to do a survey in the Sawtooth Mountains this summer. We’ve had reports of wolverine and Canada lynx sightings in the area around Yellow Belly Lake, so do your physical therapy and get your hiking boots ready.” He smiled thinly.

A woman dressed in a bright fuchsia parka strode up to them, tailed by a teenaged girl in a matching parka who lugged a giant first aid kit.

“Arnold, I told you, you were getting too old to fight these ridiculous duels!” exclaimed the woman. Then she looked Ice up and down. “Thank you for not killing him,” she said simply. “You had me worried there.”

“Sorry about that, Tabitha,” Ice said with genuine contrition. “My cat got carried away.”

“Happens to the best of us,” she replied. Her gaze settled on Holly. “And you must be Holly. I’m Tabitha Beckworth, and this is my daughter, Amelia.”

“Hi,” said the teenager, studying Holly with open curiosity. “Someday, I want to meet a guy who’ll fight for me!”

“Pleased to meet you,” Holly said warily. “And to be honest, I’d be happy if Ice never had to fight another duel.”

“I agree,” Ice said with sincerity. His battle fever had worn off, and all of his wounds hurt. A lot. “They suck.”

“I hope this introduction to our pride won’t scare you off,” Tabitha said to Holly. “These kinds of things don’t happen very often, I swear!”

Then she inspected her husband’s bleeding shoulder. “Arnie, you’re going to need stitches for that! I’ll call the clinic and let them know we’re coming in.”

“Thank you, my love,” Beckworth said without enthusiasm. His shoulders slumped at the prospect of facing Dr. Nika and her needles.

Ice knew that the bear shifter doctor was an outspoken critic of the sabertooth duels. She was sure to give Beckworth an earful while she sutured his injury.

As Tabitha and Amelia led him away to treat his wounds, Becca flung her arms around Ice.

“I knew you’d win!” she said excitedly. “And even if you didn’t, you would find a way to protect your mate, just like you protected me all those years ago.”

Ice shook his head. Had his sister really forgotten how badly he’d failed her back then? “But I didn’t—” he started to protest.

She smacked his blanket-covered shoulder. “You did! You’re the only reason I’m here today, happily married to Paul and with a baby on the way.” She patted the front of her coat where it stretched over her gently rounded belly. “You got me away from those horrible people in Los Angeles and looked out for me until we found our forever home here.”

Ice stared down at her in disbelief. Is that what she really thinks?

Beaming, Becca added, “I never thanked you for everything you did for us. I want to say it now. Thank you, Ice. I can’t tell you how happy I am that we’re together as a family, and that you finally found your mate.”

“Excuse me,” Holly interrupted. “Why does everyone keep calling me your mate? I mean, from what I’ve observed here today, ‘mates’ appear to be the equivalent of married couples. But I’m just your girlfriend…” Her voice trailed off, and her brows drew together in an expression of confusion.

Becca crossed her arms. “Are you going to tell her, bro, or should I?” she asked smugly.

Ice shot his sister a glare. Then he reached out and gathered Holly into his arms. “I have a confession to make,” he started, praying his next words weren’t going to freak her out. “I know you think we’re just dating—and I totally respect that—but, um, my cat sealed a mating bond with you last weekend, while we were snowed in together.”

Holly’s clear gray eyes widened. With wisps of purple hair peeking out from beneath her bright green knitted hat, she was so damned beautiful she took his breath away.

“Does that mean what I think it means?” she asked, still sounding hesitant.

“Yeah.” He bent and leaned his forehead against hers. “I’m yours for life, sweetheart… if you’ll have me.”

“Of course I’ll take you, you—you impossible man!” Then her lips found his, and he lost himself in her kiss.

When Ice finally broke the kiss, he saw Daniel and his fellow council members, Nick Soto and Ellen Katz, standing there.

“Holly Garland, as Isaac Peters’ mate, the Cougar Lake Pride would like to welcome you as our newest member,” Daniel said.

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