Page 36 of Holly and Ice

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He turned on his heel and marched out of the conference room.

Time to take Holly home. And to inform Daniel and the other governing council members about tomorrow’s impending duel.

Once before, when the stakes were high, Ice had fought and lost. He couldn’t afford to lose this time.


“Arnold’s a sabertooth shifter?” Holly asked on the drive home, after Ice finished telling her about his conversation with her boss… and tomorrow’s duel. She couldn’t believe it. “And the two of you are going to fight? Because of me?”

Ice took his eyes off the narrow dark ribbon of asphalt winding between mounded white snowbanks and gave her a sidelong glance. “Yeah. If I win, you get to keep your job and he won’t retaliate.”

“No,” she said, horrified. “My career isn’t worth you getting injured or killed! We can start over somewhere else,” she lied. “A lot of places hire for spring and summer projects.”

Ice’s mouth settled into a grim line. “Arnold swore you’d never get a job in your field again. I know how much being a wildlife biologist means to you. No way in hell I’m gonna make you pay the price for my fuck-up!”

“But it wasn’t your fuck-up, it was mine,” she protested. “I put up those trail cams. And I’m the one who didn’t delete the footage before that automatic backup job ran!”

Ice scowled. “Nice try, woman. Argue all you like, but I’m gonna fight Arnold tomorrow and kick his skinny ass. Besides, he’s probably already notified the council about the duel. I can’t back down now.”

Holly glared at him. “Can’t or won’t back down?”

“Both,” he shot back. “Holly, sweetheart, I have to do this. I have to prove I can take care of you. Promise me you’ll let me protect you, like a good sabertooth shifter should.”


Cougar Creek Ranch

Noon, the next day

Holly didn’t sleep a wink that night. Ice made love to her over and over, fierce and heartbreakingly tender by turns, then fell asleep curled around her.

Holly held him, her guts churning with fear and worry over the duel tomorrow. Ice had explained the process to her, and assured her that Daniel Langlais and the other members of the Leadership Council of the Cougar Lake Pride had ordered that all duels stop short of death.

But sensing the fury radiating from Ice, and remembering the wild, feral beauty of his beast shape, Holly found it difficult to believe that tomorrow’s fight would actually go as planned. She lay awake, traced the long scar on Ice’s face with her eyes and lips, and feared the worst.

No matter what he said, if Arnold hurt or killed him tomorrow, it would be her fault for not remembering about the automated backups. And if Ice killed her boss…

She shuddered at the repercussions. Idaho Fish and Game would thoroughly investigate the death of an employee, especially one fatally mauled by a wild animal.

In the morning, they shared a silent breakfast. Then Ice cleaned the kitchen and folded up the sofa bed while Holly sat and tried vainly to concentrate on her reading.

Finally, it was time to go. Holly’s stomach churned. She was queasy with terror.

Ice’s cabin was located a couple of miles from the main ranch house, so he insisted on driving her there.

When she arrived, she found a small crowd gathered on the long driveway that stretched between the front of the ranch house and the ranch gates a hundred yards away.

Ice helped her out of his car and steadied her while she put on her crutch. She straightened up and spotted Arnold. Her boss wore jeans and a hiking jacket, and he looked calm and confident.

“That’s Chef Daniel,” Ice said, pointing out the tall, silver-haired man standing next to Arnold. “He’ll be refereeing the duel.”

Daniel Langlais saw them and waved. Even from a distance, he radiated leadership.

Then a young woman with short, spiky hair the same light brown as Ice’s rushed up to them. She flung her arms around him. “Ice! Oh my God, what were you thinking, fighting him?”

This had to be Ice’s sister. He confirmed it by hugging her. “Becca, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Holly. Holly, this is my little sister Becca.”

“Hi,” Holly said cautiously as Becca stepped back from her brother’s embrace.

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