Page 30 of Holly and Ice

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“How many samples do I need to collect every day?” he asked in an abrupt change of subject.

But Holly didn’t want to let it go. She slammed her hand down on the table, making the dishes and silverware clatter. “You deserve happiness every bit as much as your sister does!”

“I failed her, Holly. Instead of finishing high school and having a normal life, she had to go on the run with me and work shitty jobs while living in even shittier apartments for years,” he said bitterly. “I’m a fuck-up, and I always have been.”

“Oh, Ice, who told you that?” Her eyes stung as sudden tears welled up. “You did the best you could, but you were still just a kid up against a bunch of powerful, predatory adults.”

He stared at her in astonishment.

“And you did protect your sister!” Holly continued passionately. “It wasn’t your fault that you had to fight someone older, stronger, and meaner.”

“I guess,” Ice said. He stared down at his half-empty plate, and Holly saw his jaw muscles jumping.

“What did Becca say when you told her you were leaving?” she demanded.

He flushed. “I, uh, haven’t told her yet,” he confessed. “Because I don’t want to ruin the holidays for her.”

“So, you’ll just ruin the new year by disappearing on her?” Holly shot back. “C’mon, Ice. You know that would be a really crappy thing to do to your sister. It sounds like you guys were really close. Now that she’s found love, you’re going to just abandon her?”

He sighed. “Truth is,” he said, his voice so low she strained to hear it, “I want to stay here. I’ve got an incentive now.”

Holly tried to hide her happiness. “You sure do, mister,” she said sternly. “Because I don’t do long-distance relationships. You want to court me? You need to hang around.”

“Right.” He eyed her. “Your waffle is getting cold.”

She picked up her fork. “So, does that mean you’ll stay?” She took a deep breath. She’d just exposed his vulnerable place. It was only fair she expose hers. “I want to spend the winter here, with you. And next spring and summer, too. I’d like to see where this—” she touched her chest, then stretched her hand out to him. He caught it and kissed her fingers. “—goes.”

“I’ll stay for as long as you want me to,” he promised.

Chapter Fourteen – Plus One

They spent the rest of the day in bed, emerging only to polish off the last of the elk chili, accompanied by a batch of freshly baked cornbread.

Holly discovered she did indeed enjoy being spanked. And that her big, grumpy shifter boyfriend loved post-coital cuddling.

It was a great day, hampered only slightly by the constant ache from Holly’s broken leg.

The next morning, Holly awoke to stiff muscles, a sore bottom, and a wash of weak sunlight spilling through the window and puddling on the cabin’s vintage hardwood floor. The blizzard was finally over.

Ice’s satellite Internet connection returned after breakfast, along with his landline phone service. When the IDT website reported the highway reopening, he went outside and started up his old Ford pickup.

He made her wait inside the cabin until the defrosters had kicked in. Then they drove for nearly an hour down the spectacular, winding highway to the little town of Bearpaw Ridge.

On the drive, Ice informed her that the Bearpaw Ridge Medical Center was a shifter-focused clinic and hospital, but they treated Ordinary humans, too.

Sure enough, Holly was quickly admitted and examined by a dark-haired female physician who introduced herself as “Doctor Nika” and whose nameplate identified her as Dr. Veronika Medved-Swanson.

Holly’s X-rays showed a clean, non-displaced fracture through both her tibia and fibula, which was good news because it meant the bones would heal without surgery.

Dr. Nika praised Ice’s quick action in applying the splint, but sternly reprimanded Holly for walking on her injured leg.

An hour later, the clinic released Holly with a leg cast and instructions to avoid putting any weight on her foot for the next six weeks.

Miles, the orthopedic technician who put on her bright purple cast—to match her hair color, he said—recommended she buy a knee crutch, which would enable her to walk hands-free, and more easily deal with steps and uneven ground.

She purchased one on the spot. Then, with Miles helping her, she spent some time learning how to strap her leg into the crutch and walk with it.

“Arr, matey, I’m a pirate with a peg leg!” she joked as she walked up and down the clinic’s corridor with a rolling stride.

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