Page 13 of Holly and Ice

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Then, if she told anyone about what she saw, no one would believe her. They’d think she’d been affected by hypothermia.

At least the storm had already erased his tracks.

If only she weren’t so hot. He hadn’t gotten laid in months, and now he wanted her so badly he could barely think.

But he wasn’t a creep who would put the moves on an injured woman under his protection.

But she wants you, his cat said. Couldn’t you smell it? And you want her.

Shut up, Ice ordered, wondering why his inner beast was suddenly so talkative. It wasn’t making things any easier.

He told himself he really needed to keep his paws off her, no matter what both his cock and his sabertooth cat half were urging him to do.

Time to go chop some more firewood. I need to cool off before I do something even dumber than going Christmas tree hunting in my shifted shape.

Chapter Six – Caught on Camera

Holly returned from the bathroom and found the cabin deserted once more.

A rhythmic thunk-thunk-thunk coming from outside caught her attention.

She stopped to look through the living room window. Night had fallen, but the cabin had exterior lights. Outside, it was snowing even harder than before, and the wind had really picked up. The storm had turned into a full-fledged blizzard.

She spied the tall shape of her rescuer splitting firewood with steady swings of his ax.

She recalled her hallucination of a sabertooth cat wearing a backpack and an ax, and smiled wryly. Crazy what your mind cooks up when you’re freezing to death.

Holly couldn’t deny she’d come close to dying out there today because she’d made stupid mistakes, like leaving her InReach where she couldn’t get to it.

At least she was safe in a warm cabin now, with a sexy—if extremely grumpy—man taking care of her.

Thanks to her intensive doctoral studies and the hours of field research needed to complete her thesis, it had been a very long time since she’d been on anything resembling an actual date.

Which this totally wasn’t.

Being rescued didn’t count as “dating.” Even if your rescuer was tall, dark, and breathtakingly handsome despite his scarred face.

Besides, there’s a real chance Ice is the poacher who set that trap, she reminded herself.

She should be worried about being trapped in his cabin, but her gut insisted she could trust him.

Gut feelings weren’t very scientific, though. And hadn’t she already gotten herself in enough trouble today?

Holly peered around the cabin’s interior, trying to learn something about its owner.

Then she noticed a familiar camouflage-colored Velcro strap. It stuck out from beneath the tarp-covered bundle that Ice had dumped in the far corner of the living room earlier.

She hobbled over to the pile, ignoring the jolts of pain that zapped through her leg with every step. She pulled up the edge of the tarp and sucked in her breath at the pile of equipment revealed beneath.

Those are my trail cams!

A lump of icy dread gathered in her stomach. Did Ice find me because he was checking a bunch of illegal traps he set in the park?

If so, she was lucky he hadn’t simply left her out there to die.

But now she was trapped in his cabin…

She turned her head to look at her pack, sitting next to the front door.

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