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Carmen sighed, trying to get a handle on her nerves, and forced a small smile as she shook her head.

“No, that’s alright. We’re getting picked up. But thank you, though,” she replied sincerely.

“You’re more than welcome to wait in the store for your driver,” Nina offered, handing her her bag.

“Maybe we should,” Franny said, speaking up for the first time. Her eyes darted to the door again, expecting Joe to be there. “I’m sure Jacob could find us pretty easily.”

“We’ll be fine,” Carmen assured her, looping her arm through hers. “The Kitten Café is just across the road. And besides, I don’t want any guy, let alone this one, thinking that he can corner me anywhere.”

At this, Franny took in a deep breath, straightened her back, and nodded. “You’re right, neither do I. Besides, we take those kickboxing classes for a reason, right?”

“Right,” Carmen agreed, smiling wolfishly as the two of them high-fived with their free hands. With their bravery renewed, they thanked Nina for her help one more time and left the store. Not wanting to draw any attention to themselves, they kept their eyes on The Kitten Café in front of them and made a beeline for it. They were only a few steps away from the front door when Joe approached them again.

“So, you must be Jeanette’s kid,” he said gruffly, walking up to Carmen’s side. “Don’t you know me? I’m your half-cousin, Joe.”

When Carmen didn’t say anything, he laughed and got closer. “Aw, come on, don’t treat family that way! We’re all close kin around here. You movin’ here too? You need something? Talk to Uncle Joe, I’ll help you find whatever you want.”

Carmen turned to him, her green eyes blazing as she pushed Franny protectively behind her.

“You are not my uncle and I don’t care if or how you know my mom. I don’t need anything from you other than for you to leave me alone.”

Joe snarled as his bushy eyebrows drew down over his eyes.

“I see your mother didn’t teach you any manners,” he seethed, reaching for her. “Maybe someone should.”

Before either Carmen or Franny had time to think, Joe was suddenly being dragged away. They both gasped and took steps back as they watched Jacob push Joe away from them and into the wall of the café. Despite Jacob being less than half Joe’s size, he seemed to be able to lift the man with great ease and shove him with great force.

“Get the hell off me, boy,” Joe growled, pushing at Jacob’s closed fist that was gripping the collar of his shirt.

“We was just talkin’!”

“No,” Jacob shot back, emphasizing with another push. “You were harassing and they were telling you to stop.”

He let go of Joe roughly and took a few steps backward toward Carmen and Franny.

“Sorry I’m late,” he apologized through huffing breaths, putting a gentle hand on both of their backs. “Come on, let’s get you into the van.”

Without a word, Carmen and Franny got into the van after Jacob opened the door for them, and waited silently until he hopped in through the driver’s side door. Jacob didn’t bother to look for where Joe was, but instead paid attention to the traffic, and pulled onto the road as soon as he could. It was only when they were cruising away from the main street that any of them spoke.

“I am so sorry I was late,” Jacob repeated, breaking the silence. “I should have left exactly when I told you I was going to, but my crew just needed help finishing up one more small thing.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Franny replied, looking out the back window before turning back toward Jacob and leaning forward. “That guy was completely inappropriate. He was watching us through the store windows for who knows how long.”

“Franny’s right, Jacob,” Carmen agreed, still feeling a little shaken, “you’re not the one who needs to apologize. He was.”

At this, Jacob chuckled dryly and shook his head. “Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen. Joe doesn’t apologize for anything he does. No matter what. I don’t normally say this about people, but some people deserve to be in jail, and that guy’s one of them.”

“Does he really know my mom?” Carmen asked, glancing out the back window. They were nearly back at The Sand Castle Cottage and she wanted nothing more than to run inside and hug her mom.

“Unfortunately, yes. But only through marriage,” Jacob replied, sounding guilty for being the bearer of such news. “He’s Amanda and Whitney’s stepbrother from their mother’s second marriage. Jason says he wasn’t very good back then and as for now, well, you’ve got to see for yourself.”

He pulled into the designated parking spot for the shuttle van, put it in park, and shut off the engine before turning around to face them.

“Are you sure you two are okay? he asked, concern written all over his face.

“Just a little anxious,” Carmen replied with a weak smile.

“Same,” Franny agreed.

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