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“Don’t you say a fucking word. You can walk out there tonight and pretend like they care, but I want you to end this fucking engagement. He can’t have you. No one can.” I rip my arm from his for a second time, and together we stand there, staring at each other. He is massive; there is no outrunning him. I glare up at him, trying to see if I can find at least a sliver of the man I first met, the one who doted on me, cherished me, gave me everything. But his expression is vacant, if not enraged. He is no longer the same man, and I am no longer the same woman.

“Just leave me alone,” I say quietly as I step back, and he lets me this time, the vein in his throat throbbing. This is bad. I turn quickly and walk away, trying to gasp for the air I can’t seem to capture. Keeping one foot in front of the other, I don’t stop until I’m mingling in the crowd, finding solace at the sight of Ben across the room.


I stand with Eddie and a business contact of his, where we have been discussing a potential new deal for the past twenty minutes. It is a large client who we are trying to win at the moment. While I am engrossed in the conversation, my eyes flick around the room.

Every five minutes, my eyes have been wandering, looking for Emily. The last I saw, she was laughing and chatting with Beth, but the joy at seeing them getting along was short-lived because I haven’t seen her since.

“So, Ben, I will have my office call you this week to arrange a time?” the client says to me, bringing my attention back to the present.

“Yes, of course, it will be great to chat further. I am sure we can help you out,” I reply with a smile, giving his hand a firm shake to seal the deal. He currently works with our biggest competitor, so it is an important meeting to get.

As he shakes hands with Eddie, I spot her. Over his shoulder, I watch as Emily comes from the hallway, not looking like herself. She is still stunning, breathtakingly so, but her posture has changed, her smile not as bright, and she is rubbing her arm like she is cold.

“Excuse me,” I say to Eddie and the other men as I go toward her, feeling something’s amiss. As I get closer, she pulls her shoulders back and blows out a big breath, and it isn’t until I am a few feet away that I see her arm is red and marked, and not at all how I left her.

“Em?” She whips her head around, almost jumping ten feet into the air.

“Oh, you startled me,” she says with a light laugh, clutching her chest.

“What happened?” I ask her as I lift her arm, and I don't miss her sharp intake of breath when I touch it.

“It’s nothing. I just fell into a wall in the bathroom. Was a little wobbly on my heels,” she says, brushing it off, giving me another big smile. One that doesn’t reach her eyes.

“Em?” I growl, not wanting to push her, but knowing she is not okay.

“Can we talk about it later?” she whispers, her eyes looking up into mine. I can see clear as day that something is very wrong, but I nod, grateful at least she is going to open up to me later. I will make sure we leave as soon as we can after formalities.

“Shall we go and sit down?” she suggests, and I look around then, noticing people taking their seats. I know she is brushing it off, as it is something she does a lot. It doesn’t sit well with me, but I grip her hand, strumming her palm with my thumb and leading her to our table. Pulling the chair out for her, I put my hand on her back, caressing her a little. I make sure she is seated and settled with Eddie on her other side before I join her, keeping my chair closer to her, with Harrison on my other side, him sliding a whiskey in my direction.

As the event kicks off, my eyes wander to her. Her hand is back on her arm, and I know without any question it isn’t from slipping in the bathroom. I just don’t know why she wouldn’t tell me the truth.

My eyes wander the room, looking over everyone here tonight. I spot my mom at the head table with Lilly and a few others. As I continue my perusal, my eyes land on Jeremy Lucas, who is looking directly at me. Or us, as his eyes seem to be pinning Emily, although she is not looking his way, too engrossed in conversation with Eddie. My body stiffens as I remember him from weeks ago, how he grabbed Em on our first date. I don’t like the way he looks at her. The jealousy coiling in my stomach is new, and I lift my arm up, draping it around the back of Emily's chair. The movement causes him to flick his eyes to me before he catches himself and gives me a small smile before looking away. He is sitting next to Beasley, of all people. I had no idea the two of them knew each other, but I watch them both chat like they have known each other for years.

The emcee comes on and gets things underway by introducing my mother. She walks up to the stage elegantly and gives a speech about the importance of health checks. Even though my eyes are looking at her, I am acutely aware of Emily, my hand lazily strumming her bare shoulder as I feel her tense body slowly relax under my fingers.

“You okay, baby?” I ask her quietly, my gaze lowering to hers.

“It was just a slip. But thank you,” she says, keeping up her little lie, and while her small smile is genuine, my mind is racing, wanting to know what happened. I grab my drink and take a sip, the whiskey burning but making me feel a little more centered. I try to think of all possibilities, thinking of scenarios until the room applauds. Snapping out of my thoughts, I watch my mother as she drinks it in like the air we breathe, and it is then I realize that I didn’t hear a word she said.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are at that point in the night for the auction!” the emcee announces, keeping everyone's attention on the front of the room.

I sit back along with the rest of the crowd to watch the auction, all proceeds going to the charity, the auctioneer one of the city's best. Tennyson bids and wins a lunch with our governor, which the crowd eats up with raucous laughter. Eddie bids on a weekend in Vegas, but is outbid at the last moment. Harrison remains quiet, watching with a smile, his political career ensuring he no longer takes part in bidding or gambling of any kind.

“Next up is our final item tonight, a pink diamond necklace donated by our esteemed City Jeweler. This piece is meant for someone special. It’s cluster of rare diamonds in a variety of shapes and sizes that has been carefully crafted into what can only be described as a breathtaking work of art the jeweler calls ‘The Emily.’ Valued at over one hundred and fifty thousand, we are starting the bids at one hundred thousand.” And at that, I immediately put up my paddle.

Emily and my brothers all look at me. Her eyes are wide and her mouth agape. Tennyson laughs, and Eddie and Harrison both shake their heads with small grins.

“The bid is at one hundred thousand here at the front. Do I see a bid for one twenty-five?” Immediately, Jeremy Lucas puts up his hand. I clench my jaw as he gives me a smirk, and my eyes flick back to the auctioneer.

“Do I have one thirty?” he shouts, and I raise my paddle.

“One forty,” Jeremy yells, clearly wanting everyone in the room to see him bidding such a high amount, and a few gasps come from the crowd. Everyone here likes a good auction battle, and they are about to see one.

“Do I have one fifty?” The auctioneer looks to me, and I nod, raising my paddle quietly. When I glance at Emily again, I don’t think she’s moved a muscle, her face one of complete bewilderment.

“Fuck. Go, Benny Boy,” Tennyson murmurs to me as he leans back in his chair with a whiskey, watching the show. I spot my mother eyeing me from the other table, her lips pursed, clearly preferring I don’t win this auction piece, but I have absolutely no intention of letting it go. The Emily is mine.
