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“I’m not worried about Beasley.” I look at him, confused.

“I’m worried about you,” he states seriously. He is visibly concerned, I’m just not sure why.

“I’m fine. It’s business,” I say with an unenthusiastic shrug as Harrison eyeballs me.

“You were a mess after Sasha, and I have a feeling that Emily is already more than just business.” When I start to shake my head, he gives me a look that says I’m full of it.

“She is my fake fiancée. A few dates, a few weeks, then it will be nothing,” I offer, trying to act like it is, in fact, nothing. Merely another business transaction. The whole thought of it curls my stomach.

“A diamond worth a few hundred thousand is not nothing. Just be careful,” Harrison warns again.

“I’m always careful.” With every business decision I make, I look at all angles. I assess things carefully; it is why I am such a good lawyer.

Except this one. This decision flew out of my mouth before I thought about it for even a second. My eyes flick to Harrison, who is looking at me like he knows exactly what I am thinking.


Sitting on the soft leather seats of this pristine black Bentley, I look out the window, and not for the first time, I question my decision. I really wanted to immerse Ben into life at the school, to try to get him to see how wonderful it is and what we would be losing if his client bought it. The idea of being his fake fiancée, I gave little thought to at the time, and now as I drive into the city for our second official date as an engaged couple, I wonder what the hell I am doing.

He is Benjamin Rothschild. Literally from one of the wealthiest families in the country. His older brother is our governor. He could have hired a myriad of women to fill this role, yet here I sit. Like the schmuck, I am.

I am nervous, I won’t lie. Our last date ended so badly that I almost didn’t agree to tonight. But Jeremy knows now, so there is no more hiding it. I just need to deal with the consequences, whenever they come. Because they are coming, I can feel it.

The city lights fly past the car window as we drive down the streets. I listen to the soft jazz music that Ben’s driver Ralph has on while I twist the large diamond around and around on my finger. It is beautiful and bigger than anything I would have imagined for myself. And because of that, it is not practical, so I can’t wear it to work. I live in constant fear of losing it, so I hope he has it insured. It feels heavy, matching the feeling I have in my stomach.

It has been a long time since I have come into the city regularly for pleasure. My pounding heart and sweaty palms are evidence of that. I take a few deep breaths, trying to find some inner calm, my stomach a whirl of knots. I hope I can eat my food tonight and try to find some enjoyment. Sitting across the table from Ben is something that many women would only dream about, I am sure. The whole situation leaves me with butterflies, proving that I am not immune to his good looks either, regardless if he is an arrogant jerk most of the time.

“We’re here,” Ralph says, interrupting my thoughts, and I look out the window as we pull up to a pristine city skyrise. I look down at myself, glad that I borrowed a nice dress from Sarah. I am relieved that I actually look like I belong, even though I know I don’t. Not anymore.

Ben comes into view as he walks out of the building foyer. He is sure, steady, and wearing one of his many suits, looking so sexy that I almost melt into his leather seats. My eyes are glued as I watch him make his way to the car, open the door, and slide into the seat beside me. Taking another deep breath, I try to steady my nerves.

“Doubtfire,” he says smoothly in greeting, a smirk lifting his lips as his eyes meet mine.

“Neanderthal,” I reply, tempering the smile threatening to break through.

“You look stunning.” His words leave me breathless for a moment, before I realize he is probably already in character, ready for the biggest act of our lives.

“This old thing?” We both know this is not my normal attire.

“Old or new, you still look beautiful,” he murmurs, and my eyes flick to him. His compliment catches me off guard. Our banter is long gone, as is the air in the back seat of this car.

“I got you this,” he says, handing me a card.

“Oh. What is it?” I ask, opening it up and pulling out some paperwork.

“A full golf membership at the club my brothers and I go to. You tease me about golf being boring, so perhaps we can play a game so I can prove you wrong.” He raises his eyebrows with a smile growing on his face, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Sounds like a challenge,” I say, no chance of the smile being wiped from my face anytime soon.

“If you don’t like it, you can drive the cart, but I have no doubt you will be a natural at that as well.” I let his observation sweep over me. He can be sweet sometimes.

He grabs my hand, lifting it up close, and surveys the sparkling diamond that adorns it. Then he’s threading his fingers with mine.

“Are you sure you are okay with this? There will be a lot of eyes looking at us tonight.” I swallow the rising bile in my throat. This is a terrible idea, I know it. But I need to save the school, and aside from this agreement, I haven’t a clue how to do that. So I will take my chances.

“I am a woman of my word. You have stuck to the deal so far, and so will I,” I say, squaring my shoulders, determined. When you have nothing, the only thing you can rely on is your word. And I take mine very seriously.

“At least my suit will stay one color tonight,” he quips, his lips quirking up a little, and I smile. The kids. Just the thought of them brings a smile to my face and any remaining tension is broken again. I’m doing it all for the kids.
