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“Too slow, huh?” I ask her as I glide closer, my hands wrapping around her waist before I hoist her up with ease and throw her three feet into the air back across the pool.

“Arghhhh, Ben!” she screams in laughter as her body floats through the air, crashing into the water with a splash. I wade toward her, watching her pop up, her wet hair spread all across her face.

“Bit wet there?” Grinning, I grab her waist again with one hand, pulling her up to me. We are on the deep side now, so her feet have no chance of touching the bottom.

“Oh my God, you are crazy,” she splutters, laughing breathlessly, trying to brush her hair out of her face. I hold her to my body tighter and hear her intake of breath as our skin touches under the water.

“I’ve been called worse,” I murmur as my other hand comes up, and I help her brush her hair out of her face. Her hand grabs on to my shoulder, wrapping around my neck, her other resting on my chest. I should move us to shallow water so she can stand, but I like having her in my arms and her hands on my body, so my feet remain rooted.

Her body relaxes into mine after a few beats, and I bring my hand down from her face, letting it wander down her back, to her waist. The two of us are silent as we come down from laughing, but my heart is thudding in my chest, my dick following suit.

“We don’t have to put on a show here, Ben. No one really knows you here,” she whispers, her eyes searching mine.

“I know.” I smooth my hand up her body, skimming across her hips and bringing it higher, my thumb almost brushing against the side of her breast before I drag it back down again. I like feeling her, touching her soft, warm skin, and now that I have started, I am finding it difficult to stop. Our faces are so close, I can feel her breath on my lips… All it would take is for me to lean in slightly, and I could taste her.

“Miss Carr!” one of the kids yells out her name, and we both jolt and look over in time to see Gavin sitting on the edge of the pool deck.

“I need to go to the bathroom!” I huff a laugh, and Emily smiles.

“Back to work,” she says, then goes to push off, but I grip her waist, her body easy for me to manhandle as I keep her in my hold and walk us to the shallow end toward Gavin together.

“You stay. I’ll take him,” I offer, getting us to the edge to meet Gavin, yet my hands on her body remain under the water, away from prying eyes.

“You sure?” she asks, now standing and watching me with uncertainty. Her hand trails down my arm, and I reluctantly remove my hands from her body. Rosie swims over to her then, Emily grabbing her up on her hip. I have noticed the two of them are close.

“Don’t worry, Doubtfire. I’ve got it.” I give her a wink before I lift myself out of the pool and lean over to help Gavin up. My eyes flick to Emily, and I don’t miss as her gaze lands on my body without shame. I may not be the fastest, but I work out regularly. My body is taller and more solid than most. What I lack in speed, I make up for with strength, and now, standing half-naked in front of her, she sees it. Even though I hate this steamy swimming pool, I will come again just to see her, touch her, and be in her presence. Because this may be one of the best days I have had all year. It was the fun I’ve been missing.


“Fore!” I yell as my golf ball flies into the air and straight across the fairway onto the complete opposite hole.

“Shit. That is the worst hit I have ever seen in my entire fucking life,” Tennyson remarks as I stand in shock, wondering how I shanked the ball so bad. We have nearly finished eighteen holes, and I have had a shit game.

I turn around, looking at my brothers. Eddie passes over a hundred dollars to Tennyson, and my eyes crinkle as he pockets it.

“Are you betting on me?” I snarl, just as Harrison looks up from his cell phone from where he is sitting in our golf cart.

“Easiest hundred dollars I have ever made,” Tennyson quips, and I shoulder check him on my way past.

“You alright?” Harrison asks me as I slump in the cart next to him, our two younger brothers joking around at the tee bed before they take their shots.

“Fine.” I rub my hand down my face.

“You don’t look fine. What’s going on?”

“I bought her a diamond,” I say too quickly, not realizing how much I needed to get it off my chest since I slipped that ring on her finger. I underestimated the impact something like that would have on me. I never really thought too much about the act before, but as I slid it over her knuckle, the seriousness of the act hit me hard.

“Shit, a real one?” Harrison asks, his eyebrows lifting as he searches my face.

“A few hundred grand real,” I murmur.

“A few hundred grand? Have you lost your damn mind?” Harrison rears back like he has been slapped.

“I want the best for her,” I say with a shrug, not really thinking about the money.

“She is your fake fiancée! The ring could have been fake too! You will never see that ring again, you know that, right? She may have said she only wants you to spend time with the kids, but now she has a quarter of a million on her finger, so clearly, she is getting something very worthy out of this deal.” Harrison groans before sitting back in his seat, a look of shock on his face.

I love my brother. He has always looked out for me, and I know this is just his protective instinct kicking in. She never asked for it, though. I didn’t even talk to her about it before I bought it for her. It was my decision, and mine alone, and I wouldn’t change it.
