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“I saw Sasha just now in the elevator. Again,” I say, trying to change the subject.

“Oh, how did that go?” Tennyson asks, keen to get the news.

“She whispered in my ear that she misses me and wants to get together. And this was after she knew I was engaged…” I say, not feeling all that good about having my arm around Doubtfire while Sasha was whispering in my ear. I tug at my tie and crack my neck.

“Fuck her,” Tennyson spits out. If there is one man who hates cheating more than me, it’s Tennyson. Sure, like me, he is a playboy, but he has never cheated, preferring to keep things nonexclusive with his women, and it has worked well for him so far.

“Don’t ever go back there, man. It’s not worth it at all,” Eddie says, shaking his head. None of my brothers liked Sasha. They hated it when I brought her along to work dinners and other functions.

“So are we going out tonight, then?” Tennyson asks. He is always on the prowl, and most Friday nights I join him.

“No, not tonight,” I say, not meeting his eyes.

“What, so you don’t want Sasha, and this Emily means nothing to you, so what’s holding you back? We can go to The Latin Rose bar downtown. It’s private. Discreet. No one will bat an eyelash that you are there.” He prods me, knowing the answer, just waiting for me to admit it.

I shrug my shoulders. “Just got some work to do tomorrow,” I say, acting nonchalant.

“Bullshit. What work?” Eddie fires back, and it is now two against one as Harrison watches the dynamics, playing his part as older brother well.

“Fuck, you’re giving up on a Friday night out in the city because you now have a fake fiancée. She must be hot as—” Tennyson starts up again.

“Don't finish that sentence unless you want my fist in your face this time.” The two boys holler in laughter.

“Just don’t fuck up Michael’s case,” Harrison repeats. He is laughing now too, but Beasley is our best client. If we lost him, it would be a big hit to our bottom line.

“I’ll try not to,” I say with a smirk.

“Hey, what’s the deal with Jeremy Lucas?” I ask Harrison, hoping like hell he doesn’t become a client.

“Ahh, I heard he is trying to invest in China. Needs some advice.”

“Are we bringing him on as a client?” I’m eager to learn more about the man who Emily was hiding from last week. In his position as governor, Harrison has a lot of connections and knows everyone. As former CEO of our law firm, he also offers our services to his connections when need be.

“I gave him some free advice. He has a whole team of lawyers, so he doesn’t need any more, but I like to keep him on our good side if I can.” Harrison’s response is one of a politician, but I know he doesn’t want Jeremy Lucas anywhere near our firm either so we are all on the same page.

“He is an asshole, if you ask me,” Tennyson says as he finishes his drink.

“What do you know?” I prod. Tennyson manages our construction business, and he, like Harrison, knows a lot of people.

“I know that he doesn’t pay his bills, shortchanges everyone, and thinks he is unbeatable. Not very well liked, and to be honest, I would keep him at arm's length. He has a violent streak.” That last comment is sobering.

“If I know anything, it is that getting into business with a man like Jeremy Lucas is a bad business decision. We will stay well away from him, boys, but keep him on our good side when possible. I don’t want any trouble following us around,” Harrison advises, and I nod. None of us want to be on his bad side, or any side, for that matter.

He doesn’t seem to play well with others.


I am running late again, which I hate, as Ralph drives me to William Heights. It is the first school art class for me this afternoon, and then I have swimming lessons this coming Saturday. Emily will come into the city with me this week for dinner, our deal starting to feel more official.

I still have no idea if my plan is going to work, especially considering Sasha has been sending me numerous messages this week. It appears the fact that I am engaged has only heightened her interest and she is nothing if not persistent. Emily, on the other hand, has only texted a few times to organize the logistics of today and that is it.

The next step with Sasha will need to be a legal one, but I hope it doesn’t come to that. I could call this whole thing off, given that she seems more intense than usual, but I have taken a shine to this suburban spitfire, and I want to take this time to see what makes her click.

The car pulls up to the school, and I pack my laptop away. I have a million other things that I need to be doing today, and painting primary colors is not one of them, so I am not in the best of moods as I walk through the reception. Margaret’s familiar face smiles up at me from the front desk, looking like she must be expecting me.

“Straight down to room twenty-two, Ben. They are waiting on you,” she says as I put my cell phone in my pocket and try to ignore the constant ringing. Sasha again.

I strut down the hall to the sounds of kids yelling and laughing until I get to Emily’s room and push open the door. The kids are dizzy with excitement, smiles lighting up their faces, as Emily runs around the room, getting paints and brushes and paper organized for them.
