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Spring. The staleness of the motel room and the bitter, blustery night had been replaced with fresh, sweet-smelling air and Nelson heard birds chirping and the strumming of a harp. He was warm and loved.

He cracked his eyes open and Nelson frowned when he found himself lying in the grass, blinking at a clear, blue sky. He thought he had woken up in Nox’s bed but he was in the woods. Nelson knew this place well, but it was as nature had made it as he stood and went to the great oak tree. There were no antlers in the shape of a sun’s rays, just peace and the soft buzzing of bees and the breeze in the leaves.

A tear slipped from the corner of Nelson’s eye as he pressed his hand to the tree, relieved and grateful to the depths of his soul. He never wanted to see Elsa like that or the evil altar that Julian and the MacCrorys had crafted ever again.

There were footsteps in the grass behind him and the sun grew warmer against his back. He turned, overjoyed as Nox opened his arms, beckoning Nelson.

Nelson went to him, but his own arms remained pinned at his sides as Nox gathered him in a tender, loving embrace. “You did it!”

“I couldn’t have done it without you and Merl—” he attempted, but Nox pressed a finger against his lips, cutting him off.

“This was you. You’ve done well, my brave, beautiful Uaithne,” Nox crooned as he teased Nelson with nipping kisses and stroked his chest. “You have pleased me greatly.”

“Thank you.” Nelson strained toward Nox, needing more of his lips and the taste of his breath. “Tell me how else to please you.” He needed to know. He would go to the ends of the earth to satisfy Nox’s desires.

“Shhh! It’s time to rest, Uaithne. You’ve brought us together again and he knows his time is coming. They will try to take him like they took his father, but you will protect him. And through you, we will rise.”

“We?” Nelson struggled to understand Nox’s riddle. “Who is he? Who did I bring?”

Nox laughed, the sound echoing in Nelson’s head as it carried through the forest. “Who am I?” His mouth slanted over Nelson’s, capturing it for a deep, seeking kiss.

Nelson’s arms were freed and he groaned as he wound them around Nox, pulling him closer. He understood immediately why his hands had been bound before in his dreams, why he’d never been able to touch this Nox.

He wasn’t holding flesh, bone, and blood in his hands. This felt like spreading his arms in the sea or trying to hold the sky. This Nox was vast and ageless and his power was infinite.

Nelson wrenched his lips free, scared and stunned. “Who are you?” He asked as he tried to back away but Nox held on, waltzing with Nelson as his feet floated above the grass.

His laugh danced on the breeze as it ruffled Nelson’s hair. “Who do you belong to, Uaithne? Say my name.”

He felt the words forming on his trembling lips and tears flooded Nelson’s eyes. He was shaking and terrified as his mind raced to comprehend the consequences of what he had done.

“You are Eochaid Ollathair,” he said hoarsely.

“That’s right,” He purred in Nelson’s ear before His tongue traced the lobe. “And who do you belong to, Uaithne?”

“You!” Nelson sat up, gasping at the darkened motel room around him. He heard the sound of a semi on the overpass and a gust of rain rattled the window, grounding him in the present. There was a muffled grumble as Nox’s arm tightened around Nelson’s waist.

“Sleep, Nelson.” His face nuzzled against Nelson’s side before he let out a loud, satisfied snore.

“I don’t think I will,” Nelson whispered, then fell back onto his pillow.

He placed Nox’s hand on his chest and covered it with both of his, silently begging for forgiveness. Nox thought that their souls had been braided together. He believed that Nelson would help him suppress the Dagda so he could hold onto his own free will and do good. But Nelson had unknowingly betrayed Nox. He had awoken the Dagda by taking Nox to New Castle and to the rave. He had bound Nox and the Dagda together with sex.

And Nelson had no idea what the Dagda planned to do with Nox. “What have I done?”

To be continued…
