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“I’m sorry. I tried to stay away and I tried to sleep, but it got really…bad.”

“Bad?” Nox asked over his shoulder as he filled the kettle.

“I got this…sick, anxious feeling, the further I got from here and when I tried to sleep, it was…bad.”

“Bad?” Nox whispered, his eyes wide as he tried to make sense of what Nelson was saying. “How do you mean?”

Nelson shook his head, blushing and looking miserable, the poor thing. “I don’t want to talk about that part. I gave up and came back and it all calmed down enough for me to fall asleep for a little while.”

“On the stoop, though?” Nox pointed toward the front door.

“You don’t understand how bad it was.”

“Okay…” Nox went to the pantry for the oats, honey, and spices. “You’ll stay with me until we figure this out and get a handle on it,” he decided.

“Thank you.” Nelson lowered onto one of the stools and fell forward, resting his forehead on the surface. “I think you’re trying to kill me.”

Nox groaned sympathetically as he deposited everything onto the table next to Nelson and stepped behind him. “That wouldn’t make any sense now, would it?” He carefully rested his hands on Nelson’s shoulders, shushing softly when he tensed. “Relax!” He whispered as he began to knead the muscles around Nelson’s neck. They were like corded steel and Nox could feel all the tension Nelson was carrying there. The warm current he usually felt when they touched was weak and flickering. Nox’s own happy glow began to dim, but he leaned closer and poured it into Nelson through his hands as he worked. “Breathe in and let go as you exhale.”

Slowly, the tightness eased until Nelson’s head bobbled loosely. “That’s already…”

“Fine?” Nox guessed with a soft chuckle and Nelson nodded. “Good.” He gave Nelson’s hair a gentle tussle, noticing that he became even more limp and light.

The faintest hint of a smile curved Nelson’s lips, making him look even drowsier. “Thank you,” he sighed and nuzzled Nox’s hand as he smoothed Nelson’s hair.

“Let’s get something warm and sweet into your belly and see how you feel after a big glass of orange juice and a cup of good, strong coffee.”

“I’ll be fine,” Nelson insisted, still groggy, but he looked like he was in better spirits as he tucked into a bowl of blueberry oatmeal and gulped down the juice and coffee.

Nox guided Nelson through to the study and left him lying on the same sofa they’d ridden in his dreams. He was nodding off with his notepad, his tense, frowning face softened with relief when Nox returned to the kitchen to clean up and meditate on Nelson’s affliction. But he couldn’t recall reading or hearing about anything remotely similar, so he called Merlin.

“That poor, sweet boy. I’m on my way.”

“I’d better warn Nelson.”

He was easy to rouse and had approved of consulting Merlin about it, surprisingly. “I’ll kiss him if he can make this go away.”

“Don’t tell him that,” Nox advised on the way to get the door when it rang.

“Where is he?” Merlin asked dramatically, shoving his coat, hat, and medicine bag at Nox.

“Right there,” he said because Nelson was standing a few paces behind him, hovering in the foyer.

“Morning, Merlin.” He offered a hesitant wave.

Merlin held out his arms as he went to Nelson. “Come to Mama and tell me all about it,” he crooned, but Nox set a hand on Merlin’s head, halting him.

“He has had a hell of a night and he’s exhausted. No groping.”

“Hush, lad. I’m not that depraved.”

“I don’t believe you,” Nox said sweetly, then smiled as he tipped his head toward Nelson. “Meet Uaithne.”

Nelson waved again, making Merlin laugh. “I beg your pardon?”

“He’s experiencing a combination of parasomnias. Sleepwalking and night terrors, from the sound of it. And during these unconscious episodes—which may or may not be extremely pornographic—Nelson goes by Uaithne.”

Merlin drew back, then laughed. “You must have put that idea in his head.”
