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These woods weren’t cold and silent and the colors weren’t faded like the world Nelson normally inhabited in his sleep. Bugs, birds, and animals sang, a nighttime sonata wafting through the trees like a breeze, as a steady drumbeat beckoned Nelson.

The crime scene tape was gone, but Nelson saw the boot and sneaker prints stomped and smeared into the mud, glowing gold in the dark as he followed them up the trail. His hair and the sleeves of his shirt ruffled softly as a warm gust of wind carried him into the clearing. Antlers hung from the branches and torches glowed and popped, giving off a distinctly sweet and green scent. The altar at the base of the majestic oak tree was empty, the horned skull and antler sun were waiting to embrace Nelson.

Come to me, Uaithne. Don’t be afraid.

He heard the voice and he felt it. “I’m not afraid.”

But Nelson was shaking as he stepped into the scorched ring and walked over the swirls burned into the ground. He felt wildly giddy as his heartbeat accelerated and he began to sweat. There was intense joy and hope, yet he was scared because Nelson had craved the pleasure he’d found there the night before. He craved it so badly that it had replaced his need for food and had left him disoriented and distracted as they drove to Adelphi and throughout the day.

Nelson’s body ached to be closer to Nox and to feel his touch and to please him. Common sense and self-preservation suggested that submitting and partaking again could only make it worse. He couldn’t stop his feet though, and Nelson found himself at the base of the tree and staring at a trampled cluster of purple flowers.

He crouched as if he were kneeling before the victim and touched the petals and the leaves that had been mashed into the earth. The beating of the drums grew louder and Nelson rose when he felt something large and powerful moving behind him.

“When did it fall, Uaithne?” A tattooed hand closed around Nelson’s shoulder, turning him. “Who left those there?”

“Those?” Nelson echoed, his head falling to the side as he studied the intricate geometric pattern tattooed on Nox’s bare chest. He stared, shamelessly picking out every detail of Nox’s naked body and storing it away for later.

“So many people, but I was waiting for you.” Nox’s hand cradled Nelson’s jaw and pulled him closer.

“Me? Why?”

He had his answer when Nox’s lips slanted over Nelson’s and their tongues tangled hungrily. Heat and peace saturated Nelson. He was alive and he could live for the happiness and the pleasure simmering in his veins. Nelson felt potent and purposeful and he wanted to give every particle of that back to Nox. The desire to do Nox’s bidding and please him was a wild, blinding hunger that rivaled the desperate need to feel his touch.

Nelson wrenched his lips free to beg Nox to command him, then gasped when he felt cool, soft earth beneath his bare back. He was naked and his arms and legs were spread. Dirt and roots curled around Nelson’s fingers and hands, holding them down as Nox nibbled, licked, and sucked at his ears and neck.

“Soon, Uaithne. We’re not ready yet. But, soon,” he crooned, his voice filling the forest and Nelson. “I want you to come for me. Let go and come for me, Uaithne.”

“Yes.” Nelson nodded drunkenly, too happy to submit to Nox and the hot, hypnotic pleasure he offered.

Nox’s tongue washed over the grooves in Nelson’s abs and into his armpits and swirled around and around his nipples, exploring and claiming and leaving heat in its wake. Teeth bit into Nelson’s neck, his lips, his sides, and his thighs as Nox’s nails dug into his flesh.

“More! Please!” Nelson sifted his fingers through the soil, attempting to free them so he could touch Nox and hold him but found he couldn’t. His hands weren’t bound, but the dirt and roots slid around his fingers and wrists and they were too heavy to lift.

“Who do you belong to, Uaithne?”

Nelson didn’t hesitate. He’d already submitted to Nox’s will and pleasure and was ready to do his bidding. “You. Please.”

Hands spread around Nelson’s thighs, lovingly gripping and parting them. Slick heat lashed at his shaft and curled around the head, creating a sharp spike of lust and stealing Nelson’s breath. He filled his lungs and shouted when Nox’s lips pulled at his sac and fingers trailed along the cleft of his ass and strummed.

His jaw stretched so far, it almost cracked when Nox’s tongue swept lower. He sucked on the tight flesh beneath Nelson’s balls and around his hole. A hand tugged at Nelson’s length while golden delight spilled down his limbs. The light around them grew brighter and the drums were deafening, making the ground vibrate beneath Nelson and matching the pounding of his heart.

“Wait!” Nelson choked out when two fingers pressed into his ass. The bright, stinging burn that filled his core was a shock but was quickly remedied with the lush, sucking bliss of Nox’s lips around Nelson’s cock. “Nox!” He cried as his prostate was crushed and his nerves pulsed and throbbed with every stroke of Nox’s fingers, pulling Nelson from his moorings and setting him adrift.

He came, a ragged howl that tore from his soul as cum spilled from his shaft, deep in Nox’s throat. But Nox didn’t stop. His fingers twisted and stretched while Nelson thrashed, his heels digging into the earth as he cried for more.

You are mine, Uaithne. Know that.


Nelson came again and again until he begged Nox to release him. He awoke as dawn’s first light brightened the room, wrung out and dehydrated.

An hour under the shower head in the bathroom, gulping water and hanging onto the wall as his legs shook hadn’t helped and Nelson was weak and woozy when he limped into the kitchen.

“What the hell happened to you?” Nox asked, tipping a pot of coffee and filling a mug for Nelson. “I recall, rather specifically, telling you to rest.”

“It wasn’t restful,” Nelson confirmed as he raised the cup to his lips. He groaned gratefully at the heady fumes and velvety smoothness that coated his tongue and spilled down his throat. Aside from Nox’s lips and Merlin’s Kung Pao Chicken, that was the best thing Nelson had tasted in days.

