Page 64 of Had to Be You

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She looked up and saw that her nephews had joined Knox in a verylongline of people waiting for ice cream. He was with two girls, whom she assumed were his twin nieces, and Chrissy’s two youngest daughters, Kimber and Cassidy, whom her nephews were talking to. The boys had met the littles quite a few times over the years at picnics, festivals, and other town events.

"Hi," she smiled, feeling a little unsure how to interact in public.

Her first instinct was to wrap her arms around him and hug him. That was what she’d decided she would miss the most when he was gone. He had many talents, including the way he could bring her to the edge of an orgasm just to back off and then take her there again. But the one thing that she would miss the most were his hugs.

Coming from a very affectionate family, she’d taken hugs for granted. But when she was in Knox’s arms, when he held her while they danced in the kitchen, which they’d done most nights, or when she’d fallen asleep wrapped in his arms, there was just no other feeling like it.

She felt safe. She felt loved. She felt home.

Those were feelings she hadn’t even known were missing in her life until she’d walked onto the dance floor with Knox.

"These are my nieces, Ivy and Iris."

"Nice to meet you." Laura smiled at the identical girls.

"Holy shit!" The twin with the blue shirt on yelled as she looked at Laura.

"Iris!" Knox snapped and looked down at the five young children standing around them.

She slapped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry," she mumbled behind her palm.

"It’s okay," Laura grinned. She wasn’t sure about Chrissy’s youngest, but she knew her nephews heard much worse than that on Sundays when football was on. Her father and all her BILs had serious potty mouths.

"It’s nice to meet you," the other twin said. "I’m Ivy."

"Sorry." Iris dropped her hand and shook her head. "Has anyone ever told you that you look exactly like Sofia Vergara?"

"That’s her cat!" Matty chimed in.

"Actually, it’s Sofia Purrgara," Knox corrected him.

Both of the twins looked at their uncle and then back at Laura. Shit. That was a knowing look. They definitely knew something was going on between them. Had he told them, or was it just because he knew her cat’s name?

Before she figured it out, Knox got a text. He glanced down at it and then looked up at the girls. "It’s time."

"It’s time?!" Ivy and Iris asked at the same time.

"Hey guys, we have to go meet your mom. We’ll get ice cream later."

Chrissy’s daughters looked bummed for a second, but then Kimber asked, "Can Matty and Mikey come with us?"

Knox looked at Laura’s nephews and then back at her. "These are my nephews, Matty and Mikey, the twins, and Sammy."

"Twins. Sweet!" Iris held up her hands to high-five the boys.

"Yeah, they can come if it’s okay with their aunt."

"Please Tia!" The boys begged.

"Where are you going?" she asked Knox.

Knox bent down, and for a split second, she was sure he was going to kiss her. She froze, but he went past her mouth and whispered in her ear, "Ford is proposing to Chrissy on the pier."

"Aww," Kennedy said beside her. Her bestie’s superpower had always been her hearing. Whatever the hearing equivalent of twenty-twenty vision was, she had it.

If there was anyone who deserved an HEA, it was Chrissy Caldwell. Her husband left her for his twenty-something secretary with four kids, penniless and homeless. He moved all of his money to offshore banks, and her house was foreclosed on.

"Are you sure it’s okay if we’re there?"

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