Page 68 of Rafe

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Even Tally was back in his old place in the back of the sleigh, while Nanee-12 brought up the rear.

Apparently, Gus, Nanee-12, and the two former nannies had enjoyed their time together immensely. Shassa and Ambraza were considering building a home on Sigg-3, so they could visit the little town of Rothbart every year and rest there between their travels.

For her part, Jade was feeling peaceful and content.

The mating frenzy had turned out to be a wonderful escape from the world, and a chance to bond with Rafe. Instead of feeling tortured, she had enjoyed every moment of their time together, filling each other’s needs. And though the frantic pace of her lust had slowed, the deep thread of desire she felt for Rafe remained, and probably always would.

But she didn’t mind. It was a need he gloried in satisfying.

Now that they were able to venture out into the world again, they had decided to pay a visit to Tag Pricketts about the deer.

The pale green of the tundra all around them, and the massive floating islands with their granite roots looked beautiful to her now. Everything was beautiful to Jade, in her newfound joy.

“Almost there,” Rafe said. “You sure you don’t want me to handle this?”

“Nope,” Jade said. “I’ve got it. Looking forward to it.”

Rafe smiled his pirate smile, and she felt a frisson of desire shiver down her spine.

Down, girl.

“I’ll take care of you later,” he murmured knowingly, giving her a wink.

She smiled back as they pulled up beside the signpost once again.

Rafe activated the hologram feed and the tone sounded out once more, announcing their arrival.

They had barely all gotten out of the sleigh when Tag approached the gate.

“Well, howdy,” Tag called out to them. “Awful neighborly of you to come pick up your herd. I guess you’re eager to get to work, now that all that murder stuff is behind you.”

Jade could feel Tally stiffen beside her.

She placed a hand gently on his arm, and he relaxed.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to raising deer,” Jade said with a smile.

“Right this way, little lady,” Tag said with a wink.

This time it was Rafe who bristled, but Jade just kept walking, following Tag past the deer in the pasture to the big barn.

She eyed the deer grazing in the pasture. They weren’t as pretty as the ones in the barn, but they appeared to be well-fed and healthy.

“Here you are,” Tag said with a smile, opening the barn door.

Inside, the glossy deer he had shown her before were waiting, each already wearing a halter.

“I got them all ready for you,” he told her.

“That’s not how this works,” she said. “I get to choose my own twelve deer.”

“No, but these are yours,” he told her, his smile more forced now. “I’ve been taking good care of them for you.”

“The contract says clearly that the adoption agency paid a price equivalent to double the going rate so that I could pick the twelve I wanted,” she told him clearly.

“But these are the biggest and prettiest ones,” Tag said. “That’s why I set them aside for you. Now, why don’t you let me grab you a sack of feed to tide you over—”

“Is there any reason you want her to take these twelve?” Rafe put in.
