Page 44 of Rafe

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Jade checked her duffel of supplies for the third time while the nanny-bot chattered on about schedules and diapers.

“You should always pack fifty percent more food, diapers, and supplies than you think you will need,” Nanee-12 said. “This is due to spillage, illness, and unexpected growth spurts.”

“Thank you,” Jade said automatically.

Of course, she knew that already, thanks to the child-rearing classes she had taken as part of her training at the adoption agency.

“Also, consider packing two bags and stowing them in separate areas of the sleigh,” Nanee-12 went on. “This way, if there is an accident or leak, you may not lose all your supplies. Would you like me to retrieve you a second carry-all?”

“Sure,” Jade said, wondering if the nanny-bot was secretly worried about her mothering skills.

She’s a bot. She doesn’t worry.

That was surely what Rafe would say, but Jade wasn’t so sure. Nanee-12 was very attentive to her young charge.

Rafe hadn’t shown his face yet today. She had no idea where he had slept, and she wasn’t sure she would dare to wake him anyway.

She only hoped that their plans for the day hadn’t changed.

How do you feel about being my mate?

A shiver of desire went down her spine at the memory, and she had to close her eyes against the half-pleasant sensation.

She had been ensnared in her own lust before, and it had been a misery that cost her years of her life.

Saying no to Rafe was painful, but necessary. And surely, he was exaggerating about never finding another woman. A man as attractive as Rafe would have women all over him the minute he left Sigg-3.

And I will never desire another.

Somehow that felt like a sacrifice now, whereas it had seemed like a blessing when she came here.

The back door opened, and Rafe strode in, looking like he hadn’t slept much, if at all. A haze of furious energy clung to him.

Impossibly, it made him sexier than ever. It was all Jade could do to keep her hands and eyes to herself.

“Sleigh is hitched up and ready,” he growled.

“Where were you?” she asked.

“Patrolling,” he replied, pouring a mug of piping-hot coffee and taking a big swig.

“All night?” she asked.

“That’s my job,” he said roughly. “I was sent here to protect the boy. Easier to do that when I’m awake and patrolling than when I’m lounging in bed.”

Was he implying that his time in bed with her had been a waste?

“You have to sleep sometime,” she pointed out weakly.

He shrugged and downed the rest of his coffee.

“You ready to go?” he asked.

“Sure,” she told him.

“May I suggest setting a reminder to check Gus’s diaper every few hours?” Nanee-12 said. “Traveling is the easiest time to forget the usual routine, and routines are comforting for babies and small children.”
