Page 62 of Jhon

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“Cakes,” the children all chorused.

“These two lovebirds will meet us in a moment, I think,” Abbra said with a smile in her voice.

When they had all gone, and it was just the two of them, Jhon gazed down at her.

“What?” she asked.

“I was just thinking we should probably go be with your family, even though all I want to do is carry you back in that house with me,” he chuckled.

“Maybe just this one time,” she admitted, trying to fight off her hunger for him. “We don’t want them judging us for our romantic life until they’ve seen how responsible we are in the rest of our life. But I’m glad to have a moment alone with you. Jhon, no one has ever done anything like this for me before… I… I…”

She didn’t have the words.

“Ella, you’ve done everything for me,” he said simply. “You opened my eyes, and showed me what was right in front of me - my son, my life, my love for you. I was an empty shell before. But you filled me, Ella Lawrence. And I’ll love you forever for it, always would have, even if you hadn’t agreed to a mate bond or a marriage.”

He hugged her close and she closed her eyes, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

There would be ups and downs from here on in. The life of a frontier farmer was never an easy one.

But they were together now, all of them.

And that would make all the difference.

