Page 31 of Let Her Believe

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Colestared at the fallen fly, his dark eyes narrowed. If there was anything hedespised more than creepy crawlies, it was pests that had the audacity toinvade his personal space. His lips curved into a cruel smirk as he lifted hisfoot and brought it down on the hapless creature with deliberate force.

Macy'sattention was suddenly diverted from the displays as an older man with a bowtieand glasses approached her. They exchanged pleasantries, and Cole seized theopportunity to slip away. It wasn't that he didn't like conversing withstrangers – he just couldn't stomach any more bug talk.

"Excuseme for a moment, would you?" Cole said quietly, hoping that Macy would betoo engrossed in the conversation to notice his escape. She noddedabsentmindedly, her eyes locked on the old man's animated gestures.

Colewandered away from the exhibit, desperately seeking something more interestingthan legs, wings, and antennae. He found himself drawn to a dimly lit corner ofthe museum where a series of obscure paintings hung. The dark swirls of colorseemed to dance across the canvas, offering a welcome respite from thegrotesqueries he'd been enduring.

Finally,some peace. He sighed, feeling his body relax.

As hemoved deeper into the shadowy alcove, Cole's gaze fell upon the door to autility closet. A small sign cautioned employees to keep it locked at alltimes. He smirked to himself, imagining going in there and taking a nap. MaybeMacy wouldn't notice... maybe he could lie and say he was just so caught up inanother exhibit that he lost her for a good thirty minutes.

But no,that was stupid. He had to at least pretend to spend time with her if he wantedany hope of her going back to his place after.

Justthen, as he passed by the door, it creaked open. Cole turned back with a frown,expecting an employee or something, but no one came out. Curious, Colepack-pedaled and looked into the dark sliver of the opened door.

"Hello?"he said. "Anyone in there?"

Justthen, an arm shot out from the darkness within, wrapping around his arm withstartling speed and an iron grip. He tried to call out, to let Macy know he wasin danger, but the words caught in his throat.

"Wha—"was all he managed before he was yanked into the shadows, the door slammingshut behind him.

"Letgo!" he choked out, attempting to wrestle free from the iron grip thatheld him captive. But his efforts were in vain – the more he struggled, thetighter the arm constricted around his chest.

"Please,"he gasped, desperation creeping into his voice as he realized the futility ofhis situation. "I don't know who you are or what you want, but youdon't—"

Hiswords were cut off by a sharp pain radiating from his chest. It felt like athousand needles piercing his skin, driving deeper and deeper until theyreached his core. His vision blurred, and he fought to stay conscious, clawingat the unseen attacker as darkness encroached upon him.

"Help!"he tried to scream, but the sound was barely a whisper, lost within theconfines of the closet.

As theblackness swallowed him whole, Cole felt a final surge of anger, frustration,and fear. If only they'd skipped the damn exhibit.


Fionastood in the dimly lit hall of the exhibit, her eyes scanning the crowd. Shewas searching for someone who matched the killer's description, but all she sawwere ordinary people enjoying their evening. Families and children wereengrossed in the displays, marveling at the intricate beauty of the insects.She had split up with Jake in order to cover more ground.

Herheart raced with anticipation, knowing that the killer could be among them. Theair was thick with tension, and she couldn't help but feel a chill run down herspine as she looked from one face to another. None appeared to be the sinisterfigure they sought, and Fiona began to grow frustrated. She clenched her fists,nails digging into her palms. They needed to catch this monster before morelives were lost.

"Comeon," she muttered under her breath, willing herself to remain focused."Where are you?"

As ifin answer to her question, a blood-curdling scream tore through the exhibit,shattering the calm atmosphere. Fiona's head snapped in the direction of thesound, her pulse pounding in her ears. More screams followed, echoing off thewalls and sending the patrons into a panicked frenzy.

Fionapushed her way through the throng of frightened people, her instincts drivingher forward. Every second mattered now; the killer was still here, and they hadjust struck again.

"Staycalm! Everyone stay calm!" she shouted, attempting to maintain somesemblance of order while her mind raced. Her thoughts tangled together, awhirlwind of urgency and dread. With a fierce determination, Fiona fought herway through the chaos, her heart pounding like a war drum in her chest.Desperation clawed at her insides as the screams continued to echo around her,making it difficult to pinpoint the source of the commotion. She rounded acorner and came to an abrupt halt, her breath catching in her throat.

There,slumped against the wall, was the lifeless form of a man. A stab wound piercedhis chest, blood seeping through his shirt and staining the floor beneath him.And as if to sign their work, the killer had left a dead fly squashed on theman's forehead.

"DearGod," Fiona whispered, her hands shaking as she approached the body. Sheknew this kill was fresh - it must have just happened. Swallowing hard, shereached into the victim's pocket and pulled out his wallet. Her fingerstrembled as she flipped it open: Cole Granger, twenty-eight. That name rang nobells for Fiona, but she committed it to memory, knowing there must be someconnection to the other victims.

"Help!Somebody help!" a voice cried out nearby, drawing Fiona's attention awayfrom the gruesome scene. She looked up to see a terrified museum employeestanding a few feet away, her eyes wide with horror. Fiona forced herself tofocus, pushing aside her own fear and grief.

"Listento me," she said firmly, grabbing the woman's arm. Without Jake here,Fiona had to take charge. Wherever he was, he hadn't caught wind of it yet."We need to lock this place down. No one can leave until we find thekiller. Understand?"

Thewoman nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, yes, Iunderstand."

"Good,"Fiona replied, giving the woman's arm a reassuring squeeze. "Now go. Tellsecurity what's happening, and make sure they keep everyone inside."

As thewoman hurried off to do as she was told, Fiona took a deep breath and glancedback at Cole Granger's body. She couldn't let this monster get away again. Notwhen they were so close to catching them. Fiona was left alone with herthoughts for a moment. Her mind raced, trying to understand what had justhappened. Another kill had occurred, right under their noses, while they werein the building. Dark emotions rose in her--guilt, shame--but she knew betterthan to dwell on her frustration; there was a murderer to catch. She could dealwith her feelings of failure later.

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