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“Get away from me, James!” comes out Derrick’s voice, mixed with something else I can’t describe, something that isn’t him. “I can’t control it!” I hear his words through my sobs and I hold him tighter.

The monster, originally the size of what I think King Kong would be, starts to shrink, but not enough. Not enough for me to fully wrap my arms around him.

I pull myself back and take a sharp inhale, trusting my gut on what to do. I lean in and grab his face, the tentacles writhing and wrapping around my wrist. I’m scared shitless, but I can’t give up, not when we’re this close to winning the battle.

“James, just leave me. I can’t have him get you too. Just go!”

“I’M NOT LEAVING YOU!” I scream in his face, closing my eyes and pressing my lips to the wound on his cheek. “I can’t live this life without you, Derrick. There’s nothing for me out there, not if you’re not there to share it with me. Stop pushing me away. I love you, man. I’ve always loved you. I’ll die for you if I have to.”

The body beneath me shudders and lets out a harsh exhale. “I don’t want to hurt you, James. Please,” he begs, fully in his voice, no longer mixed with the monster that took hold of him. “Please.”

“Derrick, let him take me. Let him take me in your place!”

He roars and the humidity of the space gets heavier. I look up to see the distance of the water dome coming down, threatening to bury us both here alive.

“Do you hear me? If there is a God up there, let them take me instead! I offer myself as a sacrifice! Save Derrick. Save him, please!”

Monster arms and tentacles wrap around me, pulling me down until I’m buried in its embrace.

“James,” his voice croaks in pain. “If I don’t make it back. I love you. You deserve the world. Make sure you make your life worth it.”

“What the hell are you saying, man? No! I’m not leaving you. You asshole! You promised to be there for me!”

“I can’t. It hurts.”

“Derrick! Don’t you fucking dare!”

In my tumultuous emotions, I find myself lost in a spiral that’s haunted me since my childhood. I can’t let it win. I can’t let the monster know that I am in the midst of two battles simultaneously. My weakness has always been my downfall, has always been the dark taint that pulled Derrick into these situations.

And now, it is time I fix it.


I quickly divestmyself of my wet clothing within his embrace until I am naked, pulling him against me. He did the same for me when I was dying on the inside, it was the least I could do for him since the universe refused to sacrifice me.

I kiss him again. It doesn’t matter if the tentacles make me shudder in disgust or if it makes me want to scratch my own face off. I need Derrick back. I need him to fight the void of death that is threatening him, even if it means I have to finally cross that line we’ve metaphorically drawn in the sand over the course of our friendship.

When my tongue touches one of the tentacles, the tension in his body slowly eases. His hips—the monster’s hips began to undulate against me, making my own dick grow hard with arousal.

This is Derrick. It doesn’t matter what he looks like on the outside. This is my Derrick, my life jacket in the midst of life’s storms.

He groans as his body continues to shrink down to a normal human size—a large human, but a manageable size, nonetheless.

Tentacles slither between my legs, wrapping around my shaft as I continue to kiss his face the only way I understand how. When one of his face tentacles slithers into my mouth, I let him explore me.

This is new territory for both of us, both of us only having ever been with a human. Well, Derrick only having been with someone in human form.

I shouldn’t find this life and death situation as erotic as I do, but I gasp around a mouthful as a tentacle found its way to my back entrance, teasing the tight ring of muscle.

“James, we shouldn’t,” he whispers, but I shake my head and lick the tentacle that retreats from my mouth.

“Derrick, it was always going to come to this. You’ve always been my one and only. I can’t live a life out there without you and you know it. Stop fighting it. Stop fighting this and just take me the way you’ve always wanted to.”

I dare him. I challenge him because that is how we operate as men. That is the communication we understand with one another.

He groans and pushes my legs apart, another tentacle wrapping around my balls, tugging and caressing them as a tentacle begins to stroke my cock. I can feel my pre-cum lubricating the tip of my dick, groaning against his face tentacles as my own hips begin to involuntarily thrust against his ministrations.

The tentacle that teases my back hole is slick with a substance I can’t name, but it makes my mouth dry when it plays with the ring, coercing it to open up.

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