Page 124 of Monsters in Love

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“Little flower?” she murmured, her lost expression further testing my resolve as her gaze dropped to my mouth, as if she were considering the offer.

Before I could tease further, she seemed to snap out of her daze, regaining her composure and narrowing her pretty eyes at me in a way that did little to calm me down.

“I don’t even know you,” she huffed, which was an interesting response. Not only because it wasn’t my appearance that gave her pause, but that she apparently didn’t remember our original encounter.

Time to reawaken some memories.

“Very well,” I chuckled, rising to stand and noticing an adorable wrinkle forming between her eyebrows as I gave her space. “Let’s get acquainted. I’m Oren, and this forest—and everything in it—belongs to me.”

Chapter 3


I gaped at the creature towering over me, and not only because of how casually he’d just claimed this cabin, and me, as his.

Which strangely, I don’t have a problem with.

What shocked me more was that he—Oren—essentially had me trapped, yet I didn’t feel afraid.

This close, I could pick out the slightly humanoid features mixed in with his decidedly canine ones. His nose was shorter than a wolf’s would be, but more pronounced than a human’s, and his front “paws” included opposable thumbs, making them closer to hands in how he used them.

And with how he could handle me…

If I hadn’t felt the frying pan connect with his head, I might have thought I was the one who’d been hit. For reasons I couldn’t explain, I couldn’t stop my gaze from taking in every inch of him, although I was determined not to be caught staring at his crotch—fur-covered though it was.

Get a hold of yourself, Billie.

There was no good reason for me to be staring at this… beast like he was a strong contender to break the dry spell I’d been experiencing since leaving my ex-boyfriend almost six months ago. But logic had long left the building, leaving bald horniness in its wake.

“You need to stop looking at me like that,” Oren muttered, with a glint in his yellow eyes that had me instinctively freezing in place. “Especially… smelling like you do…”

I discreetly sniffed, weirdly self-conscious of what this forest-dwelling wolf-man thought of me. “Like what? I smell just fine.”

He huffed an amused sound. “Yes, you do. Like cherry blossoms.” His hypnotizing gaze dropped to my lap. “And sex.”

I gasped and slammed my legs shut, feeling my cheeks go up in flames. Desperate to redirect his predatory focus away from how turned on we both knew I was, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“What are you, anyway?” The moment the question left my mouth, I cringed. “I’m sorry! That was rude… I’m just—”

“Flustered? Overwhelmed? More interested in the idea of me bending you over this couch and rutting into you than you expected to be?” He widely grinned, displaying a set of large fangs that only made more traitorous wetness bloom between my thighs.

Why am I attracted to this?

Oren took another deep inhale before abruptly spinning on his heel and striding back into the kitchen area. Positioning himself on the opposite side of the island—as if he also needed a barrier—he rested his elbows on the aged Formica surface and leveled me with a serious look.

“Or perhaps I’m describing my own response.” The sincerity of his words surprised me, but before I could comment, he switched gears. “But to answer your question, I’m widely known as the Maine Mutant, or—as locals call me—the Turner Beast. Have you heard of me?”

I don’t know why this bit of information topped everything else that had already transpired, but I couldn’t contain my incredulous bark of laughter. “Of course I’ve heard of the Turner Beast! The terrifying monster responsible for the deaths of countless livestock and house pets seems to be the biggest claim to fame this hick town has. I remember a few years back when some lady supposedly saw you get hit by a car while chasing a cat… The diner down the road was serving ‘Creature Burgers’ the entire summer!”

For a moment, I worried I’d offended him by making fun of the townies, but when he threw his furry head back and laughed, my entire body warmed at the sight.

Okay, maybe he is kind of cute…

He ended on a chuckle, and the sound went straight to my clit. “Yes, that was an entertaining revival of the legend, although I was slightly offended that anyone believed I’d waste my time chasing a house cat.” He shot a salacious glance my way. “Not when there’s far more interesting prey wandering these woods at night…”

I hissed in a breath as a visceral memory of being chased through the surrounding forest arose. The way my nightgown billowed around me as I ran… how the enormous animal pursuing me drew closer… its hungry growls raising goosebumps on my skin…

How I wanted to be caught.

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