Page 97 of Along Came Holly

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With a week before christmas, A Shop for All Seasons had been hopping all day with people shopping for stocking stuffers, ornaments to exchange at the annual office party, and items they didn’t even know they needed. By the time the last person walked out the door and Holly locked it behind them, her feet throbbed with pain and her back ached when she moved.

“That was exhausting!” Erica groaned, falling to the floor in a heap. “Seriously, leave me here to die.”

Holly laughed, stepping over her employee on her way to count the drawer. “Or you could go home and rest.”

Erica lifted her head. “But this place is wrecked.”

“And I’m too tired to deal with it tonight. I’m going to close shop and I’ll come in early tomorrow to straighten up.”

“Not that I’m complaining, but you’ve been wanting me to skate out of here early all week. You got a hottie waiting for you I don’t know about?”

Holly kept her head down as she opened the till, hoping Erica couldn’t see the blush she knew suffused her cheeks. While they weren’t being super secretive about their relationship, she hadn’t been advertising that she couldn’t wait to beat Declan home and get cleaned up from the day before he walked through the door. It had been nice having Declan to talk to, to laugh with, and even bicker some, although that had all but disappeared since Sunday night. Still, she wasn’t ready for her friends and family to really be a party to what was going on with Declan, especially since she hadn’t fully decided for herself yet.

“Nope. I’m just ready to head home and soak in my bathtub.”

“I’m just joking. Either way, I’m taking you up on leaving early. I am completely fubarred and ready to sleep.” Erica got to her feet again and limped over to the counter. “You sure I can’t do anything else before I leave?”

“Not a thing. See you in the A.M?”

“Yes, you will. Have a safe drive home, boss.”

“You too!”

When the door closed behind Erica, Holly made sure it was locked once more and finished up her close. The last thing she did was put the money in the safe before heading back up front with her phone in hand, tapping her TikTok app to check the traction on her latest videos.

Monday afternoon, she’d posted the edited version of Declan’s first cooking lesson and been surprised with the positive response to the video, if a little spun out by the comments.

I’m dead! Vajajay chicken!

The way he pulled you back into frame! Great arm!

Omg, you’re glowing! Who is that?

He sounds so hot!

We need a chef reveal!

The video went viral in a few hours, and Holly had followed it up with Declan talking her through tacos with Spanish rice and a cilantro aioli. She’d undercooked the rice and when she took a bite and it crunched in her mouth, Declan had laughed uproariously off-camera, and she’d launched a spoonful of it at him, then giggle-screamed and ran off-camera when he made like he’d give chase. A large arm came into view, crooking a finger at her, and Holly called him insensitive as she walked back into frame. He told her the lesson wasn’t over and assured her he’d share his rice with her, and her female followers went wild.

Aw, the way he said he’d share! #couplegoals

Can we talk about his laugh? Cause whoa daddy!

Haven’t even seen his face but girl, I’m jelly!

She’d tried making a video of her attempt to follow a recipe and surprise Declan with dinner, although she never called him by name, but she’d accidentally misread a step and set the fire alarm off. He’d come running into the kitchen hollering, and when the smoke cleared and he got a look at her ruined dinner, he’d pulled her into his arms with a smile, murmuring about how much he appreciated her trying.

Holly had shown him every video before she uploaded it to make sure he was comfortable, and he’d approved all of them, even the last one which showed his arms around her and Holly’s face resting against his chest, everything from the neck up cut off by the angle of the camera.

She scrolled through new comments and follows, a smile curving her lips as she walked through the door and locked it behind her. More commenters praising her new content, including a DM from one of her followers @OKintheUSA which blew her away.

Hey Holly! Longtime fan! I’ve always loved your content, but your new videos really hit different. You’ve been this spellbinding, courageous force, doing all the things I’ve never been brave enough or able to try, but the one thing I’ve always excelled at is cooking. And it’s so great to see this side of you who struggles and tries but doesn’t give up. Who laughs at herself and shows us what we already knew. You are perfectly imperfect and we love you for it. Seriously wonderful! I’ve attached one of my favorite recipes and I hope you’ll give it a try!

Holly closed out of the app and shot Declan a text. Are you home or painting?

A few seconds passed before her phone beeped. Next door. Back door’s open.

Holly walked around the hardware store and down the alley, using her phone as a flashlight, her heart hammering in the dark. Although she was an adult, she hated not being able to see and often slept with a lamp on. There was something creepy about the shadows and what lurked there and Holly picked up the pace, her imagination going wild.

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