Page 67 of Along Came Holly

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“Why not? What’s wrong with her?”

“Nothing’s wrong with her,” Declan said.

“She’s too opinionated,” Pike offered.

Anthony snorted. “Just because you want women to adore you and never question your judgment doesn’t mean every man feels that way. I like a woman who challenges me on all levels, but I do think she’s a little short for the over-sixers like us, Dec.” He patted Pike’s shoulder roughly. “Something you wouldn’t understand, Short-Red.”

“Fuck you, and you’re under six-foot.”

“I’m six-foot-one!”

“In work boots, maybe!”

“Geez, do they always squabble like this?” Declan asked.

“Like an old married couple,” Nick said.

“I think Holly’s a wonderful woman,” Clark said, before adding, “She is a wee bit frightening when she’s angry.”

“Though she be little, she be fierce,” Pike said in a British accent.

“Can you stop talking about my sister’s qualities like she’s up for auction?” Nick asked.

“I second that,” Declan blurted, surprising everyone at the table including himself.

“Seems you and I were right, Tony,” Clark said, that irritating smirk still in place. “Declan’s got woman troubles.”

Declan didn’t want to tell one of his only friends to go to hell, but he was tempted. Very tempted.

“You should ask our advice,” Pike said, finishing off his drink with a loud slurp of the straw against the bottom of the empty glass. “We helped Clark save his relationship with Merry.”

Clark glared. “I think that’s an overstatement.”

“Nope, it was all us. If they made your love story into some rom com movie, we—” Pike circled the table with his finger. “—would be the special appearances by big name celebrities like Ryan Reynolds and Chris Evans who give sage advice to the hero.”

“I picture you as more of a Seth Green,” Anthony quipped and Pike’s ears turned crimson.

“Just because we both have red hair doesn’t mean we look alike!” Pike snapped. “The point is we are here for you. Even if it’s to get you something harder than that beer.” Pike stood up with his glass in hand and bowed with a flourish. “I will return with libations, my good fellow!”

“What the hell is this new pirate thing he’s doing?” Clark asked.

“He’s practicing being British before we hit Vegas for New Year’s. He thinks he’ll get more women with an accent.”

“That’s stupid,” Nick muttered.

Anthony shrugged. “It’s Pike. I let him shine and act the fool, which makes me look better.”

“Sound strategy,” Declan said, watching Pike load a tray with various drinks onto it. “I hope he’s not getting anything for me, because I have to drive.”

Clark clapped him on the back several times. “I’m pretty sure they’re all for you. This group got me hammered to the point where I was seeing triple once. Avoid any holiday drinks with whiskey, that’s all I’m going to say.”

Pike returned and set the tray on the table, placing a green shot in front of Anthony. “A Merry Elfin Christmas for my good pal Tony.” A glass of something red with white and green sprinkles went to Clark. “Santa’s Sack.”

“I don’t need anything,” Declan said, but Pike ignored him, setting a shot glass of red liquid and a tall glass of frothy white in front of him with whipped cream and a green Christmas tree cookie sticking out the side. “A Clatter Shot for Declan with a Dashing through the Snow chaser. That’s the big one.”

“Nothing for me?” Nick asked.

“Hell no, you’re driving us home.” Pike settled back into his chair with a martini glass drink that looked like peppermint candy.

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