Page 51 of Along Came Holly

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“I don’t know about extra, but my mother taught me to share.”

“Funny, my mom taught me to do what makes me happy, no matter who it may hurt.”

Holly wasn’t sure how to respond to that, especially the anger in his voice, and headed back inside. She held the door for him as he followed her, and shut it while he hung his sweatshirt up on one of the hooks.

“The tacos are on the counter in the kitchen,” she said.

“I’ll wait for you. Can I wash my hands in your kitchen sink?”

Holly nodded. “Be my guest.”

He waved her ahead, and she was keenly aware of the size and strength of him in a simple gray t-shirt stretched over sculpted chest muscles. Earlier when he’d grabbed her, towering over her with that almost desperate expression, all her anger and hurt melted away when she looked deep into his green eyes. She’d seen the pain and frustration and wondered why Declan Gallagher lashed out at people.

It was a mystery that she’d love to solve, especially if it helped her understand him better.

Holly could blame wanting to figure out Declan on being a psychology major when she’d first started college. Learning why and how people’s experiences shaped them was fascinating, but if she were being honest, what she learned about Declan over the years didn’t make a lot of sense.

Merry told her that while he’d played football and been an excellent offensive lineman, he’d been quiet and never went to places with the team. Clark let slip that he’d been studying at a fine arts college in Maryland and came back when his dad broke a hip and had to have surgery. Clark wasn’t sure why he’d stayed after, but that he was glad because they had a lot in common. Both quiet outsiders in a small town who struggled to connect with people. Even her brother Nick had good things to say about Declan.

Holly split up the tacos, giving him six and setting three onto her plate. When he finished wiping his hands on her kitchen towel, Holly held out the dish to him.

“The portions look a little uneven.”

“What do you mean?”

“You gave me twice as many tacos, but you paid for them. That doesn’t seem fair.”

“Will you eat six tacos?” she asked.


“Then seems fair to me. Besides, I ate one in the car, so that means I’ll have four tacos.”

“In that case, thanks.” He pulled up a seat at her counter, and she went to the fridge to grab two sodas and held them up for his inspection.

“This okay with you?”

Declan nodded, his mouth full, and she laughed, setting the soda down next to his plate. “You were hungry.”

“I didn’t realize it until I smelled these things.”

“Same, which is why I had to dig in before I got home.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes, her arm grazing his every time either of them moved, and goose bumps traveled across her skin like a wave. Holly never had a problem sitting here next to anyone else without being in their space, but Declan was a big guy and his shoulders alone needed extra room.

“Are you sure you want me to take off tomorrow? I can hang around and help you finish. That scene is a lot of work and those cut-outs are heavy.”

“Nah, I’ve got it. I might close down the store and just head over.”

“Are you sure about closing the store?” she asked.

“I think my five customers will forgive me. Besides, my Dad’s thinking about selling it. Says he wants to live for himself. Whatever that means.”

Holly laughed. “I get that. He wants to spend his golden years relaxing and enjoying life. He’s worked hard most of his life. I’d say he’s earned it.”

“He has, but it’s strange. That store has been everything to him, and the last few months he’s been…different.”

“Good or bad different? Because at one point your dad was grumpier than you and that’s saying something.”

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