Page 5 of Along Came Holly

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“Hmm, I’ll accept that explanation because I do not want to shimmy up that ladder.” He gave Declan a little salute. “Thanks for helping out my soon to be son-in-law.”

“Anytime, sir.”

They stood there silently, waiting until Jace and Chris reached the tent before Clark muttered, “That man hears everything.”

“I can see that,” Declan said, hiking up his tool bag over his shoulder. “Should we get started?”

“Sure. You’re more taciturn than usual. Everything okay?”

Declan nodded, wishing he could get out of his own head. “Yeah, a lot on my mind is all.”

“Well, if you ever need anyone to listen over a drink or two, I’m sure I could lend an ear.”

“Thanks, man. It’s nothing dire. I’ll be fine.” They headed up the path to the main house without further conversation and Declan wondered if he’d offended Clark by not spilling his guts, but he was like his dad in that way. He dealt with his issues alone and without a lot of fuss. Declan appreciated Clark as a friend, though. He was quiet and serious for the most part, but he’d noticed a lightness in Clark since getting involved with Merry Winters. He’d heard love could change a man, but bending who you were, especially when relationships could end at the drop of a hat, seemed foolish to Declan.

“Ready to get Santa’s sleigh back on that roof?” Clark asked, pointing towards the red plastic sleigh and mechanical waving Santa Claus set against the side of the house.

“That’s what I brought my tools for.”

“Smart ass. I heard you managed to piss Holly off already,” Clark said, his eyes twinkling.

Declan scowled at the mention of his miniature nemesis. “I simply requested she keep the Christmas music down.”

“Nick said he was about to have to step in and save you from her wrath.”

“Please, I can handle your pint-size sister-in-law.” Declan held his hand up below his chest. “She comes up to here on me.”

“Which makes her the perfect height to high-kick you into becoming a eunuch,” Clark said, wincing as if it pained him to even mention the possibility. “Trust me, man, you do not want to keep at it with her. Nick told me he got into a prank war with his sisters that escalated into Holly glitter-bombing his entire room.”

“Good thing she doesn’t have access to any of my personal spaces.”

“Holly is pretty determined.” Clark chuckled. “It’s funny. I learned after being around Holly for a month not to get on her bad side. Why are you so slow on the uptake?”

Declan opened his mouth to answer but a truck came tearing up the driveway and parked in front of the gate. Nick hopped out of the driver’s seat and gave them a little salute.

“‘Sup, guys?”

“What are you doing here?” Clark asked.

“Pike and Anthony won’t be at the store until noon, so the boss lady sent me to get snacks, and since your son is the apple of my mother’s eye, I figured she’s got the good stuff hidden away.”

Clark shook his head. “You drove here to raid your mother’s pantry instead of just going to the store?”

“Free snacks here, man. What are you two doing?”

“We were discussing Declan’s and Holly’s complicated relationship and I told him to watch out.”

“Did you tell him about the giant glitter bomb?”

“Briefly,” Clark said.

“She made it look like a package I ordered, and when that thing erupted I was finding glitter everywhere for weeks.”

“And this is why I stay in her good graces,” Clark said.

“Tell the truth, were you more afraid of Holly or of me when you started dating Merry?” Nick asked Clark.

“Her, one hundred percent.”

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