Page 42 of Along Came Holly

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“Yes to both. I always assumed I’d spend the rest of my life in this town. My family and business are here and I love everything about it. The people. The events. The lifestyle and pace. As for this house, why not? It’s plenty big for a family, and being a part of something that brings so much joy to others makes me feel good.”

Declan shrugged. “Not sure why you’d want the responsibility or the expense if you’re going to have a bunch of kids. Seems like your attention should be on them and not this over the top display of commercialism.”

“First of all, my future children will get plenty of attention. I’m an excellent multitasker,” she said, brushing a loose strand of hair off her forehead. “Second of all, I like commercialism. When I have kids, I’m going to go nuts with all the traditions. Letters to Santa. Baking. Making footprints coming out of the fireplace or stomping on the roof on Christmas Eve.”

“Why would you perpetuate a lie about a jolly fat man who brings gifts?”

“Because it’s fun! It gives Christmas an air of magic!”

“Normal people consider it breaking and entering.”

“What is normal? Being a Scroogey killjoy who thinks the parade of lights is a fire hazard?”

“Call me what you want, but if people really cared about the holidays, they’d keep it simple. Quality time, one handmade gift from the heart. You shouldn’t have to go into debt to show others how much you care, or try to prove your holiday spirit by outdoing your neighbor’s decorations.” He took a sip from a mug that read Let’s Get Lit in Christmas lights and caught her watching him. “What?”

“I’m just surprised you drank it, considering I made it. Not afraid I might poison you?”

Declan chuckled. “Maybe if I hadn’t watched you prepare it, but there’s also the matter of me being your last hope to have thousand-dollar power bills next month, so I figured I was safe regardless.”

“For now,” she declared.

Declan bit back a smile, taking a drink from his coffee mug as he watched her throw away the used pods and wipe down the drip tray. Somehow, he’d pictured her home chaotic, with piles of dishes in the sink. Definitely not spick-and-span.

“I do have one question,” she said, turning to face him.

“I don’t remember being interrogated as part of the job description.”

“You need to look up the definition of interrogated. It’s a simple curiosity, not me torturing you with a barrage of questions and possible waterboarding. Not that I haven’t thought about drowning you a few times.”

“Has anyone told you violence isn’t the answer?” he said.

“Many, but I don’t listen. Can I ask or what?”

“I doubt I could stop you.”

“Why are you even here if you really hate Christmas so much?”

Declan shrugged. “You had me at three grand. I’ve got to feed Leo’s catnip addiction.”

Holly set her coffee down with a thud. “Wait, you have a cat named Leo?”

“Why do you sound so surprised?”

“You don’t come off like a cat person at all.”

“What are the typical personality traits of a cat person?” he asked.

“I don’t know, but not…you. Most of the guys I know who own a cat are introverted, creative types who like to sit around talking about Dostoevsky with their slouch hipster beanies and iconic Buddy Holly glasses. You’re a flannel-wearing mountain man who runs a hardware store and an after-hours side hustle as a handyman. I mean, you’re a wonderful artist, but for some reason you keep that on the down low.”

“That’s what I do for work and to relax, not who I am.”

“So, who are you?” she asked.

Declan hesitated. “Didn’t we go through this the other night? I’m a judgmental jerk who can’t go five minutes without pissing off Holly Winters.”

“That’s true, but I don’t think that’s all you are.” Holly wagged her finger at him playfully. “I’m onto you, Declan. You don’t open up to people, not even to Clark who seems to be your only close friend. Your dad’s retired and even though you live with him you don’t talk about him either.” She carried her coffee mug in one hand and opened the sliding glass door in the dining room. “From what I gather, your mom’s not in the picture—”

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