Page 2 of Along Came Holly

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“Take your time.” Clark cradled Merry’s face in his hands, and this time Holly averted her gaze with a smile. She loved that her sister had found someone who adored her beyond measure, and Holly didn’t mind their inability to go without touching each other for long. She’d helped Clark orchestrate the epic proposal back in June, convincing her sister to hike with Holly for one of her YouTube video stunts. When they reached the top of the bluff, they found Nick with his phone at the ready and Clark on one knee. Jace stood next to his dad with a sign grasped between his hands that read: WOULD YOU MARRY HIM AND BE MY MOM? Merry burst into tears and Nick caught it all on video for the rest of their family to watch.

Since it was the first wedding for any of the Winters children, their mother, Victoria, may have gone a little crazy the last five months planning with Merry and Holly. With the wedding less than five weeks away and the two of them leaving for a week-long honeymoon trip in Honolulu right after, there was still so much to do. Between the store, her family, and her social media channels, Holly couldn’t remember the last time she took a moment to relax, let alone have some fun.

Come on, the YouTube videos are fun.

Holly couldn’t argue with herself on that account. Since she started her YouTube channel Holly the Adventure Elf seven years ago, she’d been able to buy her store and her home with the money her social media presence brought in. While her extreme videos had slowed down, people continued to tune in and watch her shoot a crossbow in the little green dress with bells on the skirt or ride a waterslide while holding onto her elf hat for dear life, but Holly was growing weary of planning stunts. After this holiday season, she planned to retire the Adventure Elf persona, but had no idea what to do in its stead that wouldn’t lose followers.

“Whatcha got in the tote?” Holly asked.

Merry popped the top and revealed a beautiful knitted baby blanket with mistletoe and white buds decorating the four corners. She pulled back the blanket and retrieved a red-and-white stuffy, holding it out for Holly. “I made this to go with your elf peen.”

Holly laughed, taking the plush penis from her sister and studying the jaunty red-and-white Santa hat and ivory beard, and little black eyes staring at her from between the two features. When Merry started her online craft store, Jolly Johnsons by Merry: Adult-Themed Plushies and Crafts, Holly was her biggest cheerleader. Some months were better than others, but her sister had been pulling in a solid income for the last year, enough to be able to quit her front office job at the local elementary school. Not everyone in town had been as supportive, but Holly was proud of her sister for going after what she wanted.

“This is going to go perfect with my elf peen. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. I’ve been playing around with a few patterns I’d like to get your opinion on after we’re done here.”

“Absolutely. But first I think we need some mood music to make the work go faster.” Holly juggled the plushy between her hands as she crossed to her stereo and pressed the power button. A jolly rendition of Jingle Bells burst from the speakers and Holly made the Santa peen dance on the counter.

Merry burst out laughing, while their brother looked up from his pricing, one eyebrow cocked. “Isn’t it a little early for Christmas music?”

“Thanksgiving is over. Don’t be a Scrooge. I’ve got Declan Gallagher for that and luckily he isn’t here to give me any guff—”

As if on cue, the wall behind her thumped several times and a deep voice hollered through the thin barrier, “Turn that shit off!”

Holly glared at the wall. “What the hell? He’s supposed to be closed.”

“Maybe he came in for inventory,” Merry said.

“I don’t care why he’s there. My only wish is that the killjoy go away!” He continued to abuse the wall until she pounded back, shouting, “It’s eight in the morning! Why don’t you go home, fall back asleep, and climb out on the happy side of the bed?”

No more pounding or cursing from the other side, and Holly smiled at her siblings. “See? That is how you take care of a stinky old Grinch—” Holly stopped talking when she heard the loud crash of a door.

“Uh oh,” Merry sang. “You were saying?”

“Shut up.”

Vigorous knocking shook her front door, and she dropped the Santa peen on the counter and stomped her way across the shop to confront her odious, grouchy, pain-in-the-butt neighbor.

Holly unlocked the door and yanked it open, glaring up into bright green eyes. “You’re going to break it with those giant hammer claws!”

Declan’s dark brows nearly met in the middle as he scowled down at her from over a foot taller. His wide shoulders took up the entire doorway as he loomed there like a storm cloud shrouding her from sunlight. If she didn’t know he was all bark and bluster, Holly might have been intimidated; but in the four years since she bought the building next door to his family’s hardware store, the most Declan or his father had done was call in a noise complaint with the sheriff.

“I thought we had a deal?” he growled, that rough rumble sending a white-hot bolt of triumph through her. Why she loved tweaking Declan’s temper was a mystery to everyone, including her, but she lived for these brief, fiery exchanges. The man never said boo about blasting musicals in the spring or chipper summer jams from June to August, but the minute her Christmas playlist popped on, he threw a tantrum like a six-and-a-half-foot-tall toddler.

“Remind me what that deal was?”

“I bought one of those expensive Christmas trees last year and in exchange you don’t play that ear-bleeding shit before noon or after four.”

“Hey, that only applies during business hours.”

“I never said any such thing!”

“Seems only logical, though, and besides, what have you done for me lately?”

“I told your sister I’d buy a tree this year, too.”

“Yes, but that’s Merry, and you told her I’d have to decorate it. Again, I was led to believe our deal was one season long, not indefinitely. You should get it in writing next time.” Holly placed her hands on her hips, leaning up with a smirk. “Maybe you should stop fighting the natural, joyous feeling Christmas brings and let your heart grow this year.”

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