Page 113 of Along Came Holly

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“Our stuff? Hmmm.”

Declan rolled his eyes and headed up the stairs, dropping the bags at the end of the bed, checking out the king-size bed and large window overlooking the moonlit lake. It was beautiful and romantic, something that had never struck him before.

He started climbing back down the stairs when he heard Sam let out a yelp of pain and stopped. “Damn it, Holly, that’s my nipple!”

“Stop antagonizing Declan. He already thinks you have a thing for me.”

“And now he’s holding your hand and showing his cards. You’re welcome.”

“I don’t need you trying to manipulate him into making moves he isn’t ready for. I love you for looking out for me, but I’m a big girl and if I get my heart broken, I’ll put it back together.”

Declan sucked in a breath. Holly wanted more from him? She’d been worried about him breaking her heart, and he’d been stressing over the fact that he didn’t want to leave Mistletoe for all the reasons he’d told her a week ago, but also because of her. Having Holly in his life had shown him how much he’d been missing by playing it safe, and he wanted to tell her that and so much more. That as long as he had breath in his lungs, he’d do everything in his power to keep every part of her safe, especially her heart.

“Declan, we’re in charge—oh!” Holly stopped coming up the stairs when she spotted him, a black bag hanging over her arm. “Hi! So, we’re making tonight’s dinner and a fan sent me a recipe she wants me to try, but I could really use your direction. You feel up to it?”

“Yeah, let’s do it.”

“I’ll meet you down there. I have to change into my dare outfit.” She reached the step he was on, and they both turned to face each other so she could pass, but before she made it, Declan stopped her with one arm on the wall and the other came up to cup the back of her neck. She looked up at him with startled brown eyes, and he brushed his mouth over hers.

“What was that for?” she asked breathlessly.

“There’s mistletoe.”

When she looked up, her brow furrowed in confusion. “No, there’s not.”

“Huh, I could have sworn I saw some.”

Holly laughed. “You don’t have to make up an excuse to kiss me.”

“In that case—” He pressed her into the wall and delivered a searing kiss, cradling the back of her head with both hands. When he finally pulled back, she blinked at him dreamily.

“What’s gotten into you?”

“You, Elf.” He released her slowly, kissing her nose. “Send me the recipe so I can get everything prepped.”

He descended the stairs with a wide grin on his face and jogged down into the entryway, where Nick, Pike, and Clark gathered around the large kitchen island.

“Hey, there’s our chubby bunny!” Pike said, shaking a bag of marshmallows at him. “Ready to get crazy?”

“Let’s wait for Holly.”

“Yeah, speaking of Holly,” Nick said, popping the top on a beer. “I thought I said no falling in love with my sister.”

Declan wasn’t going to deny loving Holly, but he also wasn’t going to admit it out loud to anyone but her.

“You told me not to be mean to her, too.”

“I said that?”

“You did say that,” Clark said.

“Well, shit.” Nick opened another beer and handed it to him. “I guess if you’re making my sister happy, I can’t give you too hard a time.”

“Why not?” Clark asked. “You threatened to throw me off a mountain.”

“Threat is such a strong word,” Pike chimed in. “It was a little friendly banter between bros. Besides, you’re still alive and marrying his sister.”

“True,” Clark said with a grin. “I’m a lucky man. I’ve got an amazing woman who loves me and my son, an awesome brother-in-law, and good friends as a bonus.”

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