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“Mmm, might be strep then, which he’ll need antibiotics for.”

“I think I’ll wait for Clark before I rush him off to the doctor.”

“Good call, since he doesn’t sound critical, just miserable. When you get him home, make him comfortable. You gave him meds?”

“Yeah, Children’s Tylenol.”

“Good. Sometimes a warm compress on his forehead and the back of his neck can help too. Make sure he gets plenty of liquids, but if fever goes over 104 or he has trouble breathing, take him straight to the hospital. And Merry?”


“Breathe. It’s most likely just a bug. They come on quick sometimes with kids. I’m sure he’s going to be fine.”

“All right, thanks, Noel.”

“Call me if you need me.”

“I will.”

Merry pressed the red phone on the screen and checked on Jace in the rearview mirror. He was staring out the window with a grimace.

“How you doing?”


“Aw, sweetie,” Merry said, feeling helpless. She took the left into the gravel driveway that led to both of their houses. She looked for Clark among the trees but he was nowhere to be seen. She parked next to Clark’s Jeep, hoping to see Sam’s motorcycle, but he wasn’t there either.

Merry turned the car off and got out, then opened the rear passenger door. She hated the pallor in his cute little face as she unclipped Jace’s seat belt.

“Come on, honey,” she said, lifting him out of the car. “We’re almost there.”

He looped his arms and legs around her, his body shivering. “Merry…”


Merry knew what was coming the minute the tiny body in her arms convulsed and retched.

Hot liquid splattered against the side of her neck, sliding over her shoulder and down her back under her jacket. The noxious smell of bile and sour food filled her nostrils and she closed her eyes, breathing through her mouth in an attempt to keep her own nausea at bay.

“I’m sorry,” he cried weakly.

“Shhh, it’s all right, Jace. You don’t have to be sorry. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Merry carried Jace into the house, happy to find the door unlocked. It had been several years since she’d been inside the place and although most of the furniture was the same, all of the animal heads their former foreman had loved were gone.

Merry set Jace on the toilet and looked in the cupboard under the sink for a washcloth. Except for some vomit on his chin, he’d missed the rest of his body completely. Based on the wet strands of her hair sticking to her neck, he’d gotten most of it on her.

“I w-want my d-dad,” he stuttered, his teeth chattering.

“I know, honey. He’ll be here soon.”

She found a stack of washcloths in the hall closet just outside the bathroom and got one wet, cleaning Jace’s chin gently. “I’m going to run and get you a glass of water. Which room is yours?”

“First room.”

“Can you head in there and change into your favorite pajamas? I’ll be in there in just a moment.”

Jace nodded, sliding off the toilet and stumbling across the hall.

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