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Clark did what she asked, resting his hand against Merry’s lower back.

“Perfect, here we go!”

Merry leaned into him, whispering, “I checked my schedule. I’m free this Saturday.”

He turned her way and she met his gaze, smiling. “That’s awesome, because so am I.”

When the photographer yelled at everyone to look at the camera, he didn’t have to fake a smile.

Chapter 18


Friday afternoon, Merry tossed her pilgrim’s hat on the desk and slipped off her boot to scratch the bottom of her foot. She’d gotten her stitches out yesterday and the damn thing still itched. It was the last day before the week-long Thanksgiving holiday Idahoan schools enjoyed and she was beyond ready for it. As much as she loved her job and the kids, she was looking forward to vegging out with her yarn in front of the TV, watching Christmas movies with Daisy. Eating good food on Thanksgiving. Maybe sharing the last piece of pie with her sexy neighbor.

That was if the date tomorrow night went well.

When he’d walked her home Sunday after pictures, he’d put his number in her phone and they’d been texting every chance they could and talking on the phone after Jace went to bed until one of them fell asleep, usually Clark. He’d been working long hours with the truck drivers, making sure the pre-cut trees were loaded properly and wouldn’t be damaged, getting home with enough time to eat something and tuck Jace in. He’d told her long days were why he left his last job, but knew it was only certain times of the year. That the flexibility and everything he’d been able to save made this week worth it.

Then last night, whew. She had no idea what got into him, but their conversation took a sexy turn.

“Do you know I lie in bed every morning, half asleep, and the first thought I have is you?” Clark’s deep voice murmured.

Merry replied in a flirty tone, “Oh yeah? What am I doing?”

“Kissing me.”

“Where?” She’d slapped her hand over her mouth, but Clark chuckled, a deep throaty rumble that shot straight to her center.

“Do you really want me to answer that?”

“I think I do.” Her voice dropped to a hushed whisper, her hand slipping under her comforter and across her stomach. When her fingers dipped lower, she let out a little moan.



“Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

The ringing phone burst through her memory and she grumbled under her breath as she picked up the receiver and pressed line one.

“Mistletoe Elementary, how may I help you?”

“Merry? Is everything all right? You sound out of breath.”

Leave it to her mother to notice. “Hey, Mom. Yeah, it’s fine. I’m just tired and ready for vacation. What’s going on?”

“I hate to ask, but can you bring Jace home? I’m stuck in road construction on 84 and your dad and Clark are overseeing the last of the pre-cut shipments.”

“Sure, I’m here anyway, so that’s no problem. I don’t leave until three-thirty though.”

“That’s all right, I’ll let Clark know. Thanks, honey. Tell Jace I’ll see him when I get home.”

“I will, bye.” Merry took a deep breath. A group of kids ran past in paper turkey hats, giggling and chatting, and Merry held her finger over her lips, silently telling them to speak softly. The kids put their fingers over their mouths until they disappeared down the hall and the chatter resumed.

Merry couldn’t wait to get home and prepare for her date tomorrow. The dresses she’d drunk-ordered with Ryan last weekend arrived and he’d agreed to come over and help her pick one out. Maybe after Ryan went home, she and Clark could have a repeat of last night, preferably without Daisy trying to attack her busy hand through the covers and making her laugh.

Since Jace would be at her place for a while, she’d make dinner for Clark too. Ryan wouldn’t be there until closer to nine because of his date with the hot bartender he’d blown off to help her, so they had time for dinner and to talk. The last thing Clark had said to her last night floated through her mind like a dream growl.

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